I am not wishing to be mean to our new friend, but to those of you who have been following this topic, this is a very good example of the kind of situation I have been talking about. That is, someone who believes they have ‘information’ that is ‘repressed or covered up by science’ that shows evolution to be false. Thus they believe there is a conspiracy.
This is the standard cult formula used by all cults including YEC groups like AiG, Hovind and others. It goes something like this:
- Teach people that they and only they are the true believers.
- Teach that the out-group’s ideas are immoral, dangerous and destructive to all that is good.
- ‘Share’ with the followers information that exposes the out-group’s ideas as false preaching, and the out-group members as liars who are conspiring to destroy the cult and deny its truth.
- Discourage the cult member from independent thinking and research by denouncing the out-group in this way (in other words you can’t trust the out-group so don’t listen to them), plus making them feel unworthy as members of the cult if they consider investigating things for themselves.
- If a cult member does consider independently checking information even for a moment, they will experience fear and guilt. Fear because they risk being expelled from their in-group, and guilt for feeling doubt. This tends to turn followers into zealots who now want to make amends by proving their worthiness through proselytizing. This recruits new members and the circle is complete.
When we encounter such people, debating the science or the theology only serves to confirm their beliefs. This is because they are convinced that we are the ones who are either part of the conspiracy or have been duped by the conspirators, so everything we say ‘must be lies’. They have been armed with defenses against our responses, and taught that we are blind, corrupt or stupid. Remember, they are here to prove you wrong, to defend their beliefs and recruit new followers. But also remember that they are here to assuage their guilt and counter their fears, so the more you argue with them, the more you risk them digging in further (as has been said by others).
Hence, my approach is to refuse to engage with them until they have gone against their fear and guilt and done the necessary homework. Sometimes they become so motivated to prove you wrong, they will sidestep the fear and guilt by planning to go and properly learn the real science with the goal of showing it to be false. Either way, if they are intellectually honest, I know that once exposed to real science, they will end up proving themselves wrong.
Very often we hear of YECs going and learning the science and then becoming unbelievers altogether. Obviously there is a lot at stake here theologically and religiously, and this has been covered in other forum topics. However, I focus on the thing that all ex-YECs say, which is “Now I know the actual science and not what I was told within the YEC cult, I know I have been lied to, and I am ashamed for believing the things they told me for so long”. We have all heard these remarks by ex-YECs, and in every case I have encountered, it was from independent research of the actual science that led them out of their cult. It is this that I am seeking to encourage.