Thank you. That’s clearer.
Having said that, Shawn, I continue to disagree with your interpretation of who Jesus was and what he taught.
I’m aware that this is your position, including your belief that Origen was chosen by God to finish the teachings that Jesus couldn’t (in your view) complete. Your belief (and it’s very much a prophetic belief like other revelatory prophetic beliefs we see throughout the history of major world religions) certainly has the advantage of leaving the door wide open for various prophets who came after Jesus (such as Paul and Origen, as well as numerous apophatic Christian mystics, including Gregory of Nyssa, Pseudo-Dionysius, The Cloud of Unknowing, and others).
I don’t accept in any way that God is so weak and stupid that God is unable to convey the Truth to us except in tiny little bits and pieces via chosen prophets. Such a belief accords far too much authority to those who claim to be the sole and unique mouthpiece of God (and there have been many such claimants).
God is really quite extraordinary and has no difficulty conveying messages to us whenever and wherever it’s appropriate. The problem has never been God’s ability to communicate Truth to us. The problem has always been our willingness to listen.
What set Jesus (and Job before him) apart from others was his willingness to listen with all his heart, mind, soul, and strength to what God was actually saying – as opposed to what people thought God should be saying.
It doesn’t take more than three years to tell a simple Truth. It takes a long time to tell a complicated, convoluted narrative involved multiple layers of Heaven and Earth, hierarchies of angelic beings, histories of good versus evil, essential rituals, hidden mystical secrets revealed only to a chosen few, and various other occult doctrines. However, Jesus had no interest in anything but the simple Truth about God’s Divine Love, Forgiveness, and Healing.
Granted, it’s the work of a lifetime to unfold the meaning of Jesus’ teachings about God and God’s Love, Forgiveness, and Healing, but this is the whole point. Jesus raised the bar for regular human beings to levels not previously contemplated except in the teachings of Job. He said (crazy thought, this) that all people are children of God as far as God is concerned, and that all people can choose to enter the Kingdom of the Heavens in the present if they open their Hearts and Minds to relationship with God.
In what way is this message incomplete? It’s a challenging message, to be sure. It leaves no room whatsoever for hubris or status addiction or excuses or blaming or chosenness. But it’s a completely complete message, and it’s the one that gives people the courage to believe they’re not a complete piece of c**p in God’s eyes.
If you’re waiting for complete information, you’ll be waiting a long time. There is no possible way for any human brain at any time or at any place to fully grasp the immensity of God’s Heart and Mind. The scale of God’s many gifts and abilities is beyond our capacity to understand. There aren’t enough terabytes of data storage in our brains to encompass the complexities of God’s vast universe. To say otherwise is to say . . . well, I’ll let you figure it out.
However . . . (and this is the totally amazing part) . . . we can feel God’s Love while we’re here as human beings.
What an incredible blessing!