Thanks Dale, I like it too! I come at it from different angles in BEFORE GENESIS. Any way you look at it; all of Earth’s volcanism, meteorites, Ice Ages and coral reefs must be attributed to long ages BEFORE GENESIS. Lucifer’s long history as Earth’s High Priest, Prophet and King (he had a throne before he fell–Isaiah 14:13, and when he offered Jesus the world’s kingdom’s, Jesus did not tell him he didn’t have the authority to do so–Matt. 4:8-9). He is still king; but many ages after he was Earth’s High Priest and Prophet, in an earlier gem-filled Garden of Eden, he appeared to Adam and Eve as a fallen reptilian in a plant-filled Garden of Eden. Yes, Lucifer was already fallen when we meet him in Genesis. Surely, if he was ever Adam and Eve’s High Preist, Prophet and King, he would’ve been introduced as such. All of this shows Lucifer’s early history took place BEFORE GENESIS. Oh by the way, the reason we know he was High Priest, is because he was attired with 9 of the gems Aaron wore, with LLX supplying the other three (Ez.28:13, Exodus 28:15).
(I think it is talking metaphorically about the King of Babylon, per Isaiah 14:4.)
I just read it remembering this.
To them the heavens was not this supernatural place. It was the place above the dome over the earth. The earth was. It a globe, but a disk like piece of land that includes the territories of the nations they knew about. For them it was everything in existence.
Then genesis 2 is a closer up of the land of Eden, specifically the garden within it.
Ah hello…there were no high priests in the Bible prior to fall of Adam and Eve because there was no sacrificial system.
The role of a high priest was to provide intercession on behalf of the sinner to God…Adam and Eve didn’t need that, they had not sinned. Also, they communicated directly with God face to face when he came to walk with them in the garden. That’s very obvious and this is a theologically flawed claim unsupported by the Bible in Genesis ch 2 and 3. Also, the only heavenly high priest was Christ acting on our behalf. Paul the apostle makes no mention of anyone with the authority before the christ died on the cross in order to obtain that right.
Moses fulfilled that role for the Jews in the desert.
Genesis 2/3 doesn’t say this. Their conversations with God are no different to his conversations with any of the Patriarchs, and there is nothing to suggest that their conversations were face-to-face a la God and Moses. Also, the first (and only) reference to God walking in the garden is after they eat from the Tree of Knowledge, we’ve nothing to indicate that this was a regular habit for the Lord. Further, since God does not have a body and so does not have feet, ‘Walking in the garden’ should probably be considered an anthropomorphic figurative description of God’s presence/attention being drawn to that location. Finally, in the flow of the narrative, the description of God ‘walking’ in the garden sets up the tension between God looking/calling for Man and Woman and them hiding from him, thus leading us to the climatic reveal of Man and Woman’s actions.
Moses was considered a prophet…not a Priest. I do not think you understand that significant difference based on what you have stated above.
oh Liam come on…surely you would at least read the Bible chapters i referenced before saying the above.
Gen 2:15Then the LORD God took the man and placed him in the Garden of Eden to cultivate and keep it.
16And the LORD God commanded him, “You may eat freely from every tree of the garden, 17but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil; for in the day that you eat of it, you will surely die.”
given that the Bible claim is no one else existed on the earth at this time, how i ask do you think God command Adam in the above text?
Gen 3: 8Then the man and his wife heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden in the breezeb of the day, and they hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God among the trees of the garden.
9But the LORD God called out to the man, “Where are you?”
10“I heard Your voice in the garden,” he replied, “and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid myself.”
11“Who told you that you were naked?” asked the LORD God. “Have you eaten from the tree of which I commanded you not to eat?”
12And the man answered, “The woman whom You gave me, she gave me fruit from the tree, and I ate it.”
13Then the LORD God said to the woman, “What is this you have done?”
Would you not agree that the above passage of scripture contains language that demonstrates verbal communication between two individuals?
Are you honestly still going to make the claim that the two passages i have quoted from Gen 2 and 3 are not indicative of verbal communication “face to face” between the same individuals?
The truth is Liam, you are twisting scripture to suit yourself without scriptural support in doing so. I could give the above to a primary school child and they would read it exactly the way its meant to be…God walking in the garden with Adam and Eve and talking with them.
As to your claim it wasnt a regular occurance, unfortunately that is a typical method of taking passages of scripture out of their context and out of the context of the Bible and trying to put twists on them.
A classic illustration of a Creator regularly communicating face to face with his creation is found in the story of Moses.
God regularly engaged with Abraham, Moses and even Jesus…the irony being that His communication with Christ does not appear to be as close and personal physically as with Moses ( i have a theory on why btw…Christ was the one who talked face to face with Moses).
The reason why Christ went to the temple on the Sabbath “as was his custom” was because he was demonstrating that God does exactly that and has done so since the very beginning. This is additional support for my statement that God walked with Adam and Eve regularly in the garden. The idea of the Sabbath is communion with our creator…doesnt that fit best with a creator who walks regularly with his creation? Hasn’t sin cutoff creation from the creator such that this kind of one on one walking and talking is no longer possible…the reason being that the sinful cannot look upon God and live?
There is absolutely no reason to suspect that would not be even more than case with the first man in creation Adam who was created sinless, perfect. Theologically i have excellent support for my view on this and its supported with other examples throughout the bible where God did exactly that.
The above is an example of the entire problem with the scientific method on theological matters…you cant explain these things using that approach and consequently, extremely poor theology results with outrageous claims that are not only badly thought out, they are not even biblical. Can sicence be used to support Biblical theology? Yes it can, but it cannot drive biblical theology.
If one uses science to determine biblical interpretation what we see as the result is a group of individuals who follow a philosophical fairytale. That is currently how atheists i talk with view Christians.
Maybe the atheists you are talking to are not scientifically literate (how would you know?) or maybe you are misinterpreting them like you misinterpret early Genesis.
I’ve checked pretty thoroughly and I’m pretty sure you have never responded to this fun bit of science:
The role of the priest was introduced during the Exodus as helpers for Moses. Which made Him the high priest. It is not me who lacks understanding. The whole point of the Priesthood of all beleivers was the ripping of the temple curtain. You know how the temple curatin came about? Moses went behind it when he spoke to God…
Oh Adam, come on… I can’t even begin to count the ways you’ve completely missed my point.
Speaking of volcanoes, this from The Grand Canyon, Monument to an Ancient Earth, a beautiful book, and of the eleven contributing authors, nine are evangelical Christians.
Again, there are no Ice Ages mentioned after Noah’s Flood. It doesn’t even say it got cold. As I’ve shown in BEFORE GENESIS, YEC goes by their science, rather than by the Bible, which has no cold or vocanism during the local revealing/arraying/fixing. Why would I include “revealing?” Simply because when God gathered the water into one place, dry ground was revealed. The Bible does not have, in Genesis, the many thousands of huge meteorites that are known to have hit the Earth–YEC uses their science, instead of the Word of God, and tells us their science shows they did hit the Earth in the time of Genesis. I contend that the vast majority struck the Earth during its billions of years BEFORE GENESIS.
I am pleasantly surprised that there wasn’t, as far as I could tell, a lot of opposition to the “Local Creation Theory.” I would like to see the name of anyone who believes in it! Thanks!
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