Does it?
Honest question, not combative: What does it do with the facts of biogeography?
That is to say, why would God progressively create the great diversity of marsupials — Tasmanian tigers, kangaroos, numbats, koalas, marsupial moles, marsupial mice, and all the rest — exclusively on Australia, with the sole exception of opossums? I’ll tell you evolution’s story for this. It is that marsupials (specifically, a small opossum-like ancestor closely related to the monito del monte) migrated to Australia and diversified there in isolation, whereas everywhere else they were out-competed by placental mammals. (Paging @gbrooks9 for him to chime in with his wonderful Australian-mammal infographic.) How does progressive creation fit this distribution of facts better?
Similarly, why would God never create large mammals on isolated islands?