(Christy Hemphill)
July 8, 2022, 1:59pm
We find humans in the fossil record higher because they have only been around since Adam and Eve. We have found many species of Australopithecus, but none that would constitute a missing link between them and Homo Erectus which was essentially humans before their genetic variation had been culled by changes in environment. Homo Erectus appears abruptly.
None of this is accurate.
Nope, evolutionary theory only deals with life, it makes no claims about how life began and none of its claims are dependent on assuming life arose from nonlife by chance.
Usually people who have questions about the evolution of sexual reproduction are very confused about sexual reproduction and how far back in the evolutionary tree it goes.
I was recently asked how sexual reproduction originated and evolved to the point where we now have sperm, eggs, etc. The point of the question was to demonstrate that the steps required to get to our current reproductive systems are too complex to have formed via evolution. It sounded like a specific example of ‘irreducible complexity’. This question was given as evidence that micro-evolution may occur, but macro-evolution doesn’t happen. I have found some discussions online about the advantage …
Homeschooling is a good idea considering what is being taught in schools. Those who use evolution as a tool have some simple things that they cannot validate: 1. It takes two (2) to tango, meaning that a male and a female must be present at the same time for evolution to continue - what is the probability of two of the same species evolving at the same exact instance in time? 2. If evolution were true, all the millions of missing links would be present today and it would be continuing.