“The End of Apologetics: Christian Witness in a Postmodern Context” by Myron B. Penner

We have come to the end of The End of Apologetics by Myron B. Penner. The thread is now closed.
If you have arrived here without a map, please go to the Original Post, where you will find one, or at least a table of contents as well as an explanation of the goals and purposes of this thread. You will also find a link to a pdf copy of the book at the Internet Archive, images of two missing pages, and a link to the Resource Slide (Slide 9, to be precise).
As you have seen or will see in the discussion, The End of Apologetics is a challenging book – both in the reading and in the challenge to readers to consider philosophical problems with much that we understand to be the modern apologetics industry. In the stead of the modern apologetics model, the author proposes an ethic of belief and of witness, which recognize the subjective nature of our understanding of truth and which seek to preserve the personhood of those to whom we witness.
There is much more to be explored as to how to accomplish the vision that Penner has set out for Christians functioning within the community of the church and how to testify to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Likewise, there are many other aspects of the book that are worthy of further discussion. We members of this experimental book group encourage readers of this thread to begin new threads that explore or expand on any aspect of The End of Apologetics.