The doctrine of original sin does not work with the evolutionary model


Observation #1: Survival of the fittest and the Selfish Gene are scientific myths. They have not been proven to0 be true. God’s Creation was good, not evil. Evolution is good.

Assumption #3: Humans also were created as good. However humans have to choice to be good or not. Sadly we have chosen to be selfish or evil.

Assumption 4#: The antidote to evil or sin is Love. God the Father so loves us that the Father sent God the Son to demonstrate how much God loves humans, andf pay the price for the sins of the whole world. When we accept responsibility for our sin, turn to God, and accept God’s forgiveness, we are saved and receive God the Holy Spirit into our hearts.

Conclusion: All humans have the ability to choose for or against God, just as Adam and Eve did in Gen 3. Rhis choice makes all the difference, not their theology.