I’ve been in the PCA for over 10 years now. I love it, but then I’m entirely comfortable in a denomination that champions complementarianism and traditional views of marriage, among other things. I love the high view of Scripture and expository style of preaching in the PCA.
I know of several people in the PCA who are ECs and who have served as elders, but not many pastors. They have to be pretty quiet. Yet I have encountered a number of church leaders who are supportive of Christians who accept evolution. That is, you can be an EC and be a member in good standing, but you probably can’t serve as pastor and likely not as elder or deacon.
There was a study on creation done in 2000, which was about the spectrum of views on the nature of the days of creation in Genesis 1. It wasn’t formally about evolution, but there were several negative mentions of it. Yet this was long before BioLogos existed and evolutionary creation was well known. Now there are many evangelicals who have this view.
This study report isn’t binding, but it does carry a lot of weight. It is below Scripture and the Westminster Standards in terms of authority. My understanding is that for ordination, you have to state any exceptions you have to the Westminster Standards, and you have to do some pretty creative interpretation to be able to affirm all of it and accept an old earth and evolution.
In any case, I have had mostly great experiences in the two PCA churches of which I have been a member since being on staff at BioLogos. My husband and I have been very upfront with the church leadership in both cases about what we believe, and why, and what I do vocationally. I’ve also tried to not be pushy - I would be willing to teach a seminar or class if asked, but I’ve never asked to teach nor have I been asked. (I did lead a science/faith discussion group for a couple of years, but that wasn’t a formal ministry advertised by our church). That said, it’s not like it’s ever been a secret - I talk to anyone who expresses an interest about BioLogos and how evolution can fit with the Bible, and I have mostly been met with interest and lively conversation.