The Bible Vs Scientism

I believe comparable to most of his geologist contemporaries: “We can’t really get an exact value, but maybe something like 200,000,000 years or so.”

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Well done. That was a joy to read. Thanks also to @T_aquaticus. Thought folks might enjoy the testimony of our old friend Glenn Morton (RIP) on flood geology:

Edit: Sorry I keep having additional thoughts. haha. Be sure to scroll down in that thread to find this gem:

I know that to people who don’t see much geologic information it could appear to be inconclusive. I can assure you it isn’t. For one, try to explain the 157 times per day a year long flood requires for each couplet of shale and sand. That is 9 minutes for each layer of shale, burrowing and then sand deposition. Apart from the problems of souring these two different lithologies, shale doesn’t even settle out in 9 m. Shale is made up by extremely small particles. Have you ever stirred up the muddy bottom a lake and lost the ability to see anything in the muddy water? That is shale.
Furthermore, throughout what would be flood deposits, the fossiliferous rocks, we have animals behaving at every level like there is no flood going on.

Lots of cool pics too.


I don’t think it does. Please point out the contradictions that you see.

The order of creation.

You’re kidding, right? From the article you linked…
“For example, a poll’s standard error (what is reported as the margin of error of the poll), is the expected standard deviation of the estimated mean if the same poll were to be conducted multiple times.”

The words “expected” and “estimated” mean parameters were set by people. Let’s say we DID conduct the same poll multiple times. Is it written in stone that the results absolutely must perfectly match the standard deviation parameters that were set up? Every single time we conduct a poll multiple times?

Besides, why did you even bring this up? Give me an example where this applies to anything that we’ve been discussing.

I see. So sometimes the YECs are right after all? :wink: How does Snelling align his findings with his belief in a 6000 year old earth?

The idea of common descent evolution is just as laughable as a cat turning into a dog. Have you ever really THOUGHT about the ridiculousness of the claims? Or how it’s not even a part of science at all? It’s a fairy tale story so riddled with flaws that it’s a wonder that any intelligent person would give it a second glance.

But since I realize that this silly idea doesn’t suggest that cats turn into dogs, but still maintain that the Bible is all I need, I guess I’m not one of the people you described. What now?

Didn’t she “bury” some soft tissue in her air conditioned lab for 2 years, observe that some of the pieces were still partially intact, and declare that, therefore, soft tissue can survive the elements for millions and even billions of years?

I know way more about this stuff than you think, jammy. Besides, I came here because a BioLogos author wrote truth about scripture, and I thought I might find other like-minded people here who knew there was absolutely nothing wrong with taking the Bible for exactly what it says.

Btw, if you were my brother in Christ, you would believe him when he said God created them male and female from the beginning of creation. You obviously don’t believe that, right?

No, because God SAID He did something, and I believe God. Instead of you guys always alluding to “my particular interpretation” of scripture, why not actually POST one of those scriptures I bring up, and explain to me what it REALLY means? Then we could have an actual discussion.

Oh, you’re not a Bible believer at all then? Okay. I’m not here to cast pearls before swine. Take care.

How so? …

If you say so. I will indeed enjoy my Biblical world in which I live. You enjoy your spinning ball, and may the most powerful vacuum ever imagined by man not suck the air you breathe out into space. :sunglasses:

What meteorites? As for spacecraft, you could start with Google’s “Project Loon”.

The order of creation differs. animals vs people. Read the two accounts and you will see.

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Those big chunky things that fall from the sky and occasionally do great damage. Have you heard of them? Like the 15.5 ton Willamette Meteorite:


1 And God spoke all these words:

9 Six days you shall labor and do all your work, 10 but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the LORD your God…

11 For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth and the sea and all that is in them, but on the seventh day He rested.

Which one of us is calling God a liar again? :thinking:

How could you possibly know He wasn’t speaking audibly? You can’t, so you should remain silent on that part.

Yes, God was obviously speaking to His heavenly court. You call them angels. In the Bible they are called gods and messengers. (There is no equivalent to “angel” in the Hebrew or Greek texts.) And no, God is not comprised of different persons.

God is the one who created the very concept of a “day”. He created the word “day”. And He defined a “day” as one dark/light cycle on the earth. Now check this out… He did that BEFORE He created the firmament - which He named “heaven”. And BEFORE He created the sun and placed it in the firmament that He named “heaven”. And BEFORE mankind even existed.

So you see, it was God who defined our 24 hour days… and God who not only told us He created our world in six of those days - but even went as far as EQUATING those six days with the six literal days the Israelites were to work before taking a day of rest.

Can you SCRIPTURALLY refute a single thing I’ve said in this post? If so, do so.

Artemis is launching tomorrow. ARE YOU MESSING WITH US?

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I work long hours, and rarely have time during the week. But I do enjoy doing this on the weekend, and will be back again next weekend if not before.

People coming up with books and claiming them to be from God are quite numerous – all them them deciding that the other books are lies. So who knows whether the the people with their books are telling truth or lies… but it is only too likely that many are telling lies.

But what comes from the earth and sky do not come from sinful human beings but from the creator of the universe. Thus it is a certainly that calling these lies is to call the creator of the universe a liar.

That is not what I said. If you are not going to respond to what is actually said then it is YOU who should remain silent. By replacing what was said with something completely different we have hard evidence here for all to see that you are lying.

I do not accept your claim of authority to speak for God. And I think it is highly likely that God did not create the concept of a 24 hour day. Certainly your interpretation of the text of Genesis does not make it so.

Already have. The use of the word “day” in Genesis is before the sun even exists, therefore linking the word to the meaning that the sun returns to the same position in the sky of earth is nonsensical. Thus I scripturally refute your interpretation of the text with a different understanding of the text.

That is a lie. There is no such claim made in the text of the Bible. Our 24 hour days comes from the Egyptians and we know this because other cultures around the world have made completely different divisions of time. Furthermore it is preposterous that God, who does not live on the earth but is equally present on all planets of the universe would divide time according to the rotation of our particular planet. This is a rather clear cut example of projection – making yourself god in the limitations of your own mind and experience.


You need to answer questions. All you do is dodge them. I think you’re messing with us.

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Please be aware that BioLogos does not host arguments about whether the earth is really flat. There are some levels of ignorance and intellectual obstinance we just don’t want to even dignify with a response. So you are welcome to continue debating whether the earth is 6000 years old, but please, everyone, just leave the stuff about the firmament and the flat earth alone. We aren’t going to go there. @MikeBoll please be aware that any attempts to promote flat earth conspiracy theories here will be deleted as spam.


Good call Christy.

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Here are a couple videos that break down how some theistic evolutionists process scripture that may help clarify the circumstances:

The first giving insight into some of the cultural context within Genesis. The second diving into implications of the first videos findings. The first video describes the raqia, a solid dome of biblical cosmology which holds up a celestial ocean. As God separated the waters above from the waters below, waters below were gathered to form oceans (Genesis 1:6-10), waters above were restrained and held up in the sky by the raqia until they were released by Windows of the raqia, as described in Genesis 7:11 and 8:2.

Some might ask how we know that the raqia wasn’t some sort of concordist idea of a vapor canopy or some kind of floating ice sheet/ball that encircled the earth. Well, some simple concepts outlined in scripture are that God set the stars in or inside the raqia, Genesis 1:14, so it wouldn’t really make sense for it to be an ice sheet, and waters above the firmament also wouldn’t make sense as interpreted as clouds or water vapor, again given that God set the stars within it, unless we believed this vapor canopy was billions of light-years away in deep space, which raises a lot of logical issues, such as, how long would the waters of the heavens had to have traveled through space to reach earth in time for the flood? But these thought experiments are unnecessary, given the growing mass of historical records which demonstrate that ancient near east cosmology simply contained belief in a solid dome in the sky, which held the stars up so they wouldn’t fall to the Earth, which was blue because of an ocean above etc.

And that’s what the above videos describe and ways which we can then process these facts of history.

Good luck!

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