Myths are stories told in oral traditions from a time before mankind even had these specialized activities of history, law, science, religion, and entertainment. So all of these purposes get mixed together and it gives the stories a recognizable mythical character but it doesn’t mean they did not originate from historical people which actually existed and historical events which actually happened. But it does mean that we shouldn’t be treating them like a video recording of events any more than we do of any other telling of history from long ago – but in fact with even more liberties taken straying a little bit farther from an objective description of the events.
short answers
1-3 no, evolution, 4 God spoke to Adam, 5 no, 6 God gave Adam a warning and commandment, 7 no, 8 unimportant, 9 no, 10 quite possibly, 11 angel not a snake, 12 sure, 13 -14 no magical fruit, 15 they were ashamed of something, 16 unimportant, 17 unimportant, 18 yes, 19 yes, 20 no, 21 quite possibly, 22 the word used was “increased,” 23 no, 24 no, 25 no, 26 no.
4 Divine breath = inspiration. By speaking to him, God gave Adam an inheritance of ideas which brought the human mind to life. This was the beginning of humanity. But there is no life stuff which can bring dead matter to life. This is a story of man’s relationship with the divine and not one of alchemy or necromancy.
5 The two trees represent two directions in which we could go. They were inherent in the very nature life and not some poison cookie jar plopped down into their life so God could test them.
6 The Earth is a garden, though some parts of the Earth more than others to be sure. God certainly gave Adam a dire warning and parental commandment. Such is always a crucial part of parenting.
7-9 Sounds like a mythical mix of a story of domestication and a decision to bring a chosen female, Eve into this relationship with God.
10 There are tropical areas of the Earth where this would have worked.
11 angels are more intelligent than all animals including man
12 challenging organisms so they would learn was quite possible one of the tasks assigned to angels.
13-14 There was a natural part of life which would give A&E the authority to dictate the difference between good and evil even when their understanding of this was far from adequate.
15 There is an obvious suggestion here what it was which made them ashamed and thus what it was which was forbidden to them.
16 God is spirit but quite capable of interacting with physical things no different from the resurrected Jesus. So perhaps God did walk in the garden and was heard doing so. It is possible.
17 The behavior of shame and fear is universal.
18 The query and response is a very important part of the story.
19 Adam blamed God and Eve first. Then Eve blamed the angel. Thus begins the self-destructive habits of sin which interfere with our growth and learning.
20. God reassigned the angel Lucifer to a different task and role as our adversary. If we wanted something to blame for the evil in our lives, then better this angel than God Himself.
21 Some unknown combination of consequences and providence in this.
22 Providence to protect the parent-child relationship of human beings.
23 That particular ground perhaps, for there are climate changes making some parts of the earth look cursed and less like a garden compared to others. But important part of this was that man would have to live by their own efforts in order to learn that blaming others for their own actions simply wouldn’t work if they wanted to survive.
24 I am reminded of the many Biblical passages where it says that God will provide. It never means that we are simply passive recipients, like some mail order shopping catalogue.
25 A literal interpretation of this is full of inconsistencies. If it was really a matter of reaching up and picking a fruit which was not forbidden to them then why did they not eat of this tree already? The tree of life represents the eternal life we have in a relationship with God – a relationship which was broken because of the fall.
26 The flaming sword is a symbol of divine truth, otherwise where it this angel with a burning sword keeping us going anywhere?
It is easy to see I reject more than I accept. But the same is true of any of the books about Santa Claus. And yet the basis of the myth, St. Nicholas is indeed historical.
I believe our infinite potentiality reflects God’s infinite actuality, making us perfect for an eternal parent child relationship where there is no end to what God has to give and no end to what we can receive from Him.