The first formulations of the doctrine of inerrancy had not been established according to the authority of a council, a creed, or a sect, until the period after the Council of Trent in 1563.
Reference: Hendel, Ronald. “The Dream of a Perfect Text: Textual Criticism and Biblical Inerrancy in Early Modern Europe,” in e.d. Collins, J.J., Sibyls, Scriptures, and Scrolls: John Collins at Seventy, Brill, 2017, 517-541, esp. 524-531. On pg. 529, Hendel writes “The doctrine of uniform inerrancy in the literal sense across all details is an innovation of the Catholic-Protestant polemics after Trent.”
Council of Trent only held that the Bible’s authority was “in matters of faith and morales”,
For Martin Luther (1483-1546), “inspiration did not insure inerrancy in all details. Luther recognizes mistakes and inconsistencies in Scripture and treated them with lofty indifference because they did not touch the heart of the Gospel.”
Reference: Bainton, “The Bible in the Reformation,” in e.d. Greenslade, S.L., The Cambridge History of the Bible Vol 3: The West from the Reformation to the Present, Cambridge University Press 1963, 12-13.
Erasmus (1466-1536), was also unconcerned with minor errors not impacting theology, and at one point, thought that Matthew mistook one word for another.
Reference: Woodbridge, John. “Evangelical Self-Identity and the Doctrine of Biblical Inerrancy, in Understanding the Times: New Testament Studies in the 21st Century: Essays in Honor of D. A. Carson on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday, Crossway, 2011, 111.
Eventually it was the Protestants who gave emphasis to the doctrines of inspiration and infallibility as the basis for the position that ultimate authority is found in the Bible to counter the position that authority resided in the Roman Catholic Church.
The theological discourse about inspiration and inerrancy is a modern one arising from the aftermath of the critique of religion during the Enlightenment (18th & 19th centuries).
Discover the only hermeneutic that matters. The creation exists for what purpose? The answer to this query should determine the answers for every legitimate question concerning God and His revelation.
Thinkers, Knowers, Believers – special definitions
Believers just accept the Bible and their faith as a given – unquestioned. Other Christ followers will not dispute with these believers. The old man will cause these faithful some anxiety and doubt just to show off his supposed superior spirituality. The old man might be a believer, a knower, or a thinker. Most Christians are believers.
Knowers are exuberant with certainty. They are sure that they understand the truth and everyone else is wrong. They proclaim their truth loudly. Knowers are the old man. Listen up Reformed novices.
Thinkers ask questions and are always learning. Thinkers make interesting insights and present theological views that depend upon reason and academic research. Often this leads to doubting or disbelief. Those who have confidence in their own intellect often become unbelievers. On the other hand, those who find such thoughtful endeavors to expand the role of faith can attain a spiritual peace. Thinkers also may become evangelist of unbelief like Bart Erdmann while others quietly become secularist. However, the thinker who follows the Lord Jesus never uses what he thinks to damage the faith of believers because he recognizes believers have individual relationships with the Lord. His role is that of the judicious mediator between the doubt or question and an answer for fellow believers.