Well this book is going back to the library. Just skimmed the first few chapters and it is nothing but an exercise in confirmation bias. A waste of time.
Thanks for the final summary. Not surprised to see my own bias confirmed … once again. Happens every time!
Mr Delepine, have you read this one yet? We discussed Justin Barrett–interesting guy from Cambridge. Thanks.
I picked up the one he wrote called “Born Believers” and wasn’t too impressed. It didn’t seem to be an investigation so much as a how-to book for raising your kids in the faith. It was my impression that that was the intended audience. But I’ll try to track down the other. Unfortunately my library doesn’t list it.
Thanks. I appreciate your feedback. I am sorry about the disappointment. If you get another book in this vein that you find helpful, let me know please.
@Randy, thank you for sharing the video by Justin Barrett.
In a rational world this should be helpful. The problem is we are developing into a schizoid world and no one seems to care or know. Christians cling to an old dualistic world view which fails to explain, and secularists are working on a world view that does not try to explain.
Yes. but there is more hope than ever for this. I’ve never seen anything like this attempt. More, I am thrilled at what groups like Biologos and the writers here are attempting in being faithful to science and God.
Again we need a new philosophical undersdtandi8ng of truth and Reality, and without this little is possible.