What do you mean exactly? Do you mean on the BioLogos site or in general? I don’t really think the shape of the ark has much of anything to do with discussing a global, regional, local flood.
Here is a nice little paper that a few grad students wrote evaluating if the box could float: https://physics.le.ac.uk/journals/index.php/pst/article/viewFile/676/475
Whether or not a boat can even float is quite different from if it is seaworthy, or seaworthy enough to withstand violent waves for an extended period of time. Here’s a nice summary of why Noah’s boat absolutely would not have been able to be seaworthy: Noah's Ark: Sea Trials
In other news, the word used for ‘ark’ also is the same word used for the ‘basket’ that baby Moses was put into the river in. The word used for ‘pitch’ or ‘tar’ is also frequently translated as ‘ransom’ elsewhere in the Old Testament. These little factoids would not have escaped the original hearers, so you are partially on to something by investigating the Hebrew words. In other words, Noah was going to build a box/basket that would be protected with the material of ransoms. In other words, I’m starting to think what the boat was made out of and even its size are not the main point and this is just looking at one verse (Genesis 6:14).
As a bonus: here are a few recent threads that have nothing to do with a floating box that point out some of the large problems that such a global flood would have: