Stop quoting Chat GPT

As they increase in complexity, some models reveal new biases and inaccuracies in their responses.

Wow! No telling where this is going to go.

And the breakthrough was more recent than I realized.

In 2017, researchers at Google Brain introduced a new kind of architecture called a transformer.

  • Starting at $140/mo someone could get something like “IBM Watson Assistant” to build a chatbot platform quickly and easily.

That’s what the T stands for in OpenAI’s ChatGPT.

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The model is generated to produce text that follows the patterns of human-generated text. One way to do that is to output genuine references that are associated in printed material with text that reads like that of the prompt. Another way is to generate strings that resemble genuine references, including real journal names and real researchers in relevant fields.


They put limits on it somehow to prevent it from promulgating hate speech, for instance, and maybe conspiracy theories as well. I wonder why it wouldn’t be possible that when generating references it could be told to validate them. But I’ve had both ChatGPT and Bard give me real links but wrong in the context of the question at hand, and then repeating them even when told they were wrong.

I’ve seen anecdotal evidence similar to your experience. Here’s one example I posted 3 days ago in
another thread:

To quote McGrath’s results (emphasis mine):

Ultimately, I agree with what Kasparov says here about his 1997 loss to IBM’s Deep Blue chess engine:

App by app, use by use. Chat apps (like ChatGPT) are designed to mimic human communication, not replace it. They’re also not search engines.


Kasparov’s sentiment strikes me as a little too sure footed… then the chat app goes live :grinning:

Many of these emergent behaviors illustrate “zero-shot” or “few-shot” learning, which describes an LLM’s ability to solve problems it has never — or rarely — seen before. This has been a long-time goal in artificial intelligence research, Ganguli said. Showing that GPT-3 could solve problems without any explicit training data in a zero-shot setting, he said, “led me to drop what I was doing and get more involved.”

from the article @Dale shared here

Meanwhile Kasparov is not considering the coincidence of a technological and a philosophical singularity. I’m not a doomsayer, but as a politically liberal optimistic partial preterist (PLOPP😎) this will undoubtedly be a game changer.

Yes, I read the piece Dale shared. Interesting stuff. But you underestimate Kasparov. Chess and language programs have always been the testing grounds for machine learning and AI. Stockfish is the descendant of Deep Blue. It calculates the outcome of every possible move and response many levels deep and comes up with the best move. Google AI’s DeepMind introduced the chess-playing AlphaZero in late 2017. As detailed in a 2018 paper in Science, given only the rules and 9 hrs of “training” playing itself, AlphaZero mopped the floor with Stockfish. (Stockfish has since caught up, but DeepMind already left chess for bigger things.) Kasparov was well aware of these developments and often consulted. He wrote a book about AI in 2017 and co-authored a 2021 paper on the subject in Harvard Business Review.

In 2019 DeepMind released MuZero, which could master board games and Atari games without even being fed the rules. That’s a zero-shot setting a full year before ChatGPT debuted in 2020.

Don’t miss Kasparov’s point. AI isn’t a monolithic thing. ChatGPT is an app built for a specific purpose. More and better will come.

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One of the things that is wowing people (or freaking them out, depending on your point of view) is the ability of ChatGPT to write computer code. Some people worry in case this is going to make all of us software developers redundant, and other people worry in case it is going to result in artificial intelligence improving itself in ways that are unsupervised and unpredictable. Welcome to The Matrix, Skynet, or <insert your dystopian singularitarian sci-fi movie of choice here>.

Will this happen? It remains to be seen. But I don’t think that software development as a career is under threat just yet. ChatGPT and GPT-4 seem to do really well at generating simple scripts and code to solve common problems, but if you have specific and detailed requirements (as is always the case when programming in a business context), you have to drill down into a lot of detail with your prompts to get exactly what you want, to the extent that you almost might as well just write the code yourself. Certainly I don’t see it taking the job of writing code away from programmers and putting it into the hands of business analysts.

Rather more interesting is GitHub Copilot, which can take comments that you write in your source code and churn out complete functions for you. But again, I don’t think this is going to challenge programmers’ jobs—on the contrary, it’s simply going to make us more ambitious in the kinds of projects that we try to tackle.

Another point worth making is that large language models such as ChatGPT are computationally expensive, requiring vast data centres to get the kind of results of which they are capable. Apparently training GPT-4 cost somewhere in the region of $100 million. You can of course run LLMs on your own laptop, but they will naturally be much more limited in what they can achieve and much more prone to making mistakes.


I use mine as a search engine lol. Or rather, I use it as a recommendation on what to search for. Like I’ll post a handful of themes and keywords and book, and it will often bring up books or films that match it better than when doing it on google usually.


He is knowledgeable about AI, but a false sense of security was present in his words.

But what would he or Ganguli predict about the future if 2 singularities were to occur in relative proximity?

Let me address these two drive-by shootings (subtweets, in that venue):

You realize this is a fairly small community of regulars, right? If you want to call me out, then do it. For the record, I made clear my unwillingness to “dialogue” with ChatGPT on April 6 in this post:

It wasn’t until April 14 that I publicly said I’d like to see the mods ban it. Also for the record, as a former mod I don’t get to participate in their deliberations and I don’t get a vote on their decisions. Don’t turn this into some sort of personal vendetta.

@Christy liked it and the next day it was banned.

I have nothing against you and I made my peace with the mods’ decision.

Newsflash: Maybe I said something out loud that Christy and other mods were already thinking. I didn’t initiate this ban and had no say in it. Perhaps you could apologize, or not.

On other unfinished business:

Of course you’re free to skip my posts, and vice versa. But you completely mischaracterize that conversation. (Anyone who wants to can look it up starting here.)

Right off the bat, I asked for those who knew more than me to weigh in. That is in no way, shape or form trying to “correct someone who is more knowledgeable.” I was trying to have a conversation with you, not correct you. I noted at the end of my “wall of text” that the article’s conclusion “seemed” to contradict something you’d quoted. Please understand that everything isn’t a debate. If you want to have a dialogue, just correct my non-expert misunderstanding and explain what I got wrong. I’m happy to learn new things, but a non-answer and a condescending comment in another thread is less than worthless. All it really means is you won’t find much conversation around here about your pet subject of infinity.

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It’s perfectly believable. At the time the ‘directive’ felt rushed, there was a small public disagreement between the mods about the scope, and you had mentioned a ban the day before.

For that I apologize. That part of my comment was not in anyway associated with you. And in no way do I consider myself an expert or freshman class knowledgeable in philosophy of math. I sincerely mean this.

This sentence which was separated by a line from the second sentence was in reference to Christy’s comment that I misread to mean if you have to search ChatGPT for a reference, then you are not welcome here.

My commemt was in reply to Dale’s comment:

This was Christy’s comment which I misread:

Sorry for the mixup, and looking back now, I should have tagged you in making those references about you. That was a lapse of judgement on my part.

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Anyone who is established and is good at what they do should be ok. A career in telephone customer support isn’t looking very promising.

It was not a unilateral decision, I just get delegated to do the bossy stuff because other people don’t want to. It’s actually not my preferred role in life, it’s just how it often shakes out here. There was no public disagreement between Liam and I, some people just took it that way.


Not to split hairs, but there was, unintentional as it may be. Anyone can go back and read the part of the comment that was in bold type.

This “program” and all things called “Artificial Intelligence” are not intelligent at all. They are programmed to do certain tasks. They do not learn anything they are not programmed to be able to learn, they do not do anything they are not programmed to be able to do. And they do not think or feel. Artificial Intelligence, such as portrayed in sci-fi films, or in the way those such as Elon Musk WANTS you to view it, are not real and are currently, perhaps forever, out of the ability of man to create.

True Artificial Intelligence does not exist.