I think this article from John West is helpful in understanding this.
Debating Common Ancestry | Evolution News.
West argues that ID is being more open-minded and committed to open dialogue by including dissenting voices like Hunter and Gauger. They officially distance themselves from any specific statements by Hunter and Gauger, so as to keep their hands clean of their mistakes. Still, they embrace them as members of the community, to demonstrate how close minded us mainstream scientists are. Once again, say what you will, this is very strong rhetorically. I admire them for their political savvy here.
I think, honestly, that my decision to argue exclusively for common descent (and avoiding the term evolution and the argument against ID) was very difficult for them. It brought them into public conflict with VJ Torley at Uncommon Descent. Because I refused to argue against design (which I agree with any ways), common descent became a very difficult wedge issue for them to manage. Or so it seems to me.
The way I summarize my position remains inconvenient for them:
“I believe God created us; He designed us all. However, whether evolution is true or false, He created us to look like we share a common ancestor with apes. And, unfortunately, none of the scientific arguments for design are convincing using the rules of mainstream science.”