No not really.
Morality on its most basic level is can be explained without the need of a supernatural being defining it.
To quote my self form a different post:
[Question about evolution - #9 by gavin_kemp](https://Question about evolution)
Their are situation where it is in the best interest of the species to be cooperative and even seem altruistic and their is a strong argument that morality is one of those. Setting a set of rules that will be punished if broken also set up a system of trust that help improve exchanges between people and their for it makes sense that the bases of our morality came through evolution and enabled us to build strong bonds with more people and build much bigger and complexe social structures.
So for basic morality their is no need for god. so this covers things don’t steal, hurt or murder your equals.
The consequence is if you look at the morality that do not kill, hurt or steal from your equals is fairly universal across most cultures, but people could be quite horrendous to those they viewed as beneath them.
What Christian and by extension modern morality have is a much larger definition of equal extending to an extent to animals. and to its not clear that it’s a natural evolution of morality especially since they are gains that have to be constantly defended.