Soft Tissues in Fossils

I’m sorry Craig, but that is patently false. You would convince us that the earth is young if your arguments were strong enough.

Look, we don’t just idly dismiss your arguments as not strong enough here. We explain carefully why they aren’t as strong as you think they are. We explain to you what differentiates strong arguments from weak ones. We explain to you exactly what you need to do if you want to challenge a scientific theory, and we even give you examples of what would constitute strong arguments for a young earth. I addressed this particular claim here:

The fact of the matter is that if you want your arguments to be considered “strong enough,” then they need to consist of honest reporting and honest interpretation of accurate information. And if you want to persuade scientifically literate people that for more than a hundred and fifty years, the entire scientific community has been not just wrong but out by six orders of magnitude about the entire fundamentals of whole scientific disciplines, then misunderstood, misrepresented, ambiguous or nonexistent evidence, hand-waving, and tiny samples with huge error bars simply aren’t going to cut it.