Science as an evangelistic tool

And lest you think I’m being hypocritical, we all need to be better, maybe especially me. I do have a distinct advantage though – I’ve been rescued and redeemed by the Agnus Dei,* not to mention having been adopted by his Father.


*Which reminds me of the wonderful Latin anagram that answers Pilate’s question:

Quid est veritas? “What is truth?”
Est vir qui adest: “It is the man who is here.” Namely, Jesus, the Christ.

But hey, I’m very much into co-instances, even providential ones.

“So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.”

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The problem here is that we humans don’t have the opportunity to linger around until all such questions are answered. Life is short, and though we spend most of our years denying that thought, it becomes unavoidable once we start to home in on 70 and beyond. The question is, what are we going to stake our lives on?

For me there are three options: 1) God exists and is closest to the God we know in Jesus Christ. This choice requires faith. 2) God does not exist. The existence of the universe is inexplicable. While the odds against it are enormous, we just happen to live on a planet where each “through of the dice” occurring sequentially leads to human life. Statistically speaking, this is most improbable. This choice requires enormous faith. 3) We don’t know whether or not God exists. We spend most of our lives in a purpose vacuum. This choice requires no faith and is often accompanied by despair.

No I’d say the problem here is that you think there is a problem here that you are capable of figuring out at all. He is what He is didn’t think we were up to it then and not that much has changed. Good luck.

I’m as close to 70 as I am to 69 and I’m not the least bit worried about what to stake my life on … whatever that may mean to you. I haven’t wasted a day worrying about how to get qualified. Heaven starts whenever you’re ready and it has nothing to do with an afterlife.

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