I am sorry but that is just cynical. It rests n he baser aspects of humanity and is addressed by Paul in Romans. We do not have a “licence to sin”. Or as Paul puts it, Increasing the sin increases the blessing.
In general Christinainty does the opposite and claim that forgivenss is not a free gift but must be accepted or somehow validated. forgivenss is a gift from God and gifts do not need validation or even acceptance.
And that is your jaundiced view of Christianity.
In truth it ccould be the case, but for the majority of Christians the whole business of forgivenss is humbling rather than entitlement.
Instead of barking out a word…and intentionally not adequitely quoting what its responding to…do the right thing, include the appropriate context, and then reference your dissagreement with supporting evidence.
What youve done here is academic nonsense.
Not a aingle statement in any of you long response there has any referencing.
All of it is your own novel and this is why you are wrong most of the time. Start referencing your claims…instead of publishing a novel of your own works.
I quoted luther and the reformation on these forums for a reason. I am not a conspiracy theorist…i dont get consumed by a shadowy world order lead by the Rothschilds, a women in the back passages of the united nations who holds they keys to the world monetry vaults, the Kabal, Q/QAnon or any of that stuff…whether or not its true i dont really care.
The reformation started because of what he perceived the catholic church had become. The irony was, that was prophesied in the bible long before it happened. Satan corrupted the Christian church exactly as prophesied in the references i have repeatedly given you but that you ignore. So my wolf in sheeps clothing statement stands! You seem to portray a belief that the Roman Catholic church we know of is the Christian church of Peter…it is not! So when you talk about a history lesson…look in the mirror and start giving yourself one, because you do not know the difference between the christian church and the pagan papal roman one guided by the efforts of constantine and justinian - both roman emperors keen on combining church and state for the purposes of improving their own power and influence in the roman empire.
There is so much more to this that most ignore…particularly the effects roman persecution had on the jewish faith, and then on the christian faith. Roman emporers continued to swing between one and the another for centuries. The fact that the papal roman catholic church rose up out of the ashes of the roman empire is easily supported historically, there is no mystery there. (btw, one side of my family is catholic…some very devout too i might add. My dads raised in catholic brothers school in Sydney, his sister a catholic school principal, her husband taught maths, her son a catholic teacher)…my wife lived eith them for 6 months after our house burnt down in 2009…
I will add references to the theological claim above when im not on my phone in bed at 5am in the morning.
I am not a Catholic and there are elements of the Catholic doctrine that I am uncomfortable with but to call it corrupted is going one step too far (IMHO)
I think you have taken Scripture beyond where it is meant to go if you are claiming any sort of prophecy against Christianity, or any part of it.