Science a Major Reason ‘Nones’ are Skeptical of Christianity

You are not in a position to make that judgement call.

Regardless of how you view the atonement, God is the only judge and you ae not privy to His thoughts or see what He sees. If it’s me you are worrying about then you are wasting your strength.
Salvation is not about doctrine, neither is it conditional on a specific viewpoint of Scripture. Salvation is by Grace alone. Nothing we do, or say can change God’s saving grace. Our place is not to judge, nether is it to indoctrinate. Our place is to show the love of God so that others might see and want to be a part of it.
Jesus only stipulated one fatal or unforgivable action and that involves the Holy Spirit. If you cannot identify where the Holy Spirit resides you are in danger of breaking that one condition. Think carefully before judging someone’s words and faith.


It might sound convenient to threaten others with not to judge the words and actions of others and not to “indoctrinate” :slight_smile: Does Jesus Say Not to Judge? -

I do not threaten. it is not my jurisdiction any more than it is yours.

It is up to you whether you decide which teaching of Jesus takes precedence, assuming there is a conflict. Personally I find judgementalism to be vane and self righteous, but that is just me.


I would thing judgmentalism to be a vice as well as it is after all about: “to form opinion for someone in hurry , to criticize , to decide without thinking much.” and its about judging a person which is not what we should do as this is down to God. To state “but thats just me” is an indirect accusation of other people, so called “gas lighting” which does not shine a good light on people using such tactics.

When it comes to Gods grace, if it were not based on repentance it would not be grace, as one can not forgive someone who does not regret what he has done wrong. And repentance does not come for free but it also does not come from self flagellation.

That is a contradiction. Gace , by definition, needs no clarification or activation.

Your view is human justice, We need to be both involved and justified in our beliefs. The idea that God could forgive automatically sticks in the craw. Sorry and all that.

By making grace subject to an action (repentance) you are making it not grace but a response.

We respond to God, not the other way round. We repent, not because it activates grace but because we have been reformed by it. Repentance is a sign of living with God, it does not activate it or activate God, otherwise it is self seeking. Repentance is our response to aligning ourselves with God. We repent, not because of what we have done but as a sign that we want to do better. What we did before is already forgotten.


We do repent because we have recognised that our thinking and acting has been wrong. It is the requirement for receiving grace. without that there can not be grace as we do not perceive it as wrong we do not repent. So if we persist in wrongful actions and do expect not to be judged for it nevertheless it would be a condoning of the wrongful actions

One of the great Lutheran theologians in the generation after Luther and Melanchthon wrote a long and thorough treatise arguing this very point against certain figures in the radical reformation; I’m sitting here staring at the screen wishing I could remember who it was, since I think you would appreciate it (and I wouldn’t at all mind reading it again!).

You are still rejecting grace. Grace has no criteria. God does not need anything to forgive. Why does it matter to you? Why should you care who God forgives? As long as He forgives you. You fulfil any criteria you wish, it will not change anything for anyone else.

The whole point is, that we won’t persist in wrongful actions, not out of fear of not being forgiven but because we know them to be wrong and therefore do not choose them. It is not about expecting or not expecting to be judged! It is about right behaviour because it is right. Of course I do not condone wrongful actions! but God still forgives them.

Stop getting all legalistic. God does not care about human values of justice or fairness, or equality. God forgives because He is God, not because we plead for it.


its a question of logic. unless you are atoned to God, in which case you accept his authority and repent grace can not work as grace can only be given by the one you recognise as authority. If you still sin/rebel against the authority of God a pardon does not work as it would give away the authority. And rejection of authority over the self is the problem of the “nones”, the classical problem of the fall

Why are you being so stubborn? Grace does not need anything. There is no criteria. It is given freely. whether it is accepted is another matter, but it is still given.

No. Human logic does not apply to God.

Then you are not a Christian. You have not aligned yourself to God.

But that does not affect the Grace of God. His grace is for all.

Grace has little to do with authority other than God has it. That is true whether we recognise it or not. God cannot / does not give away His authority (and that is Scripture)

No, the usual problem is not identifying God at all.


because I think logically and there is no special logic that is human logic. For Grace to be executed it requires the acceptance of the one receiving grace to accept the authority of the one that gives grace. Otherwise someone stating that you are not to be punished in all cases is not grace any more but acceptance of terms

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