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Do you find Mettinger’s thesis on the dying-and-rising God convincing? Especially considering how it is a fringe position in modern academia.

I personally would concede that there ‘were’ examples of dying-and-rising gods. Osiris, Baal and Tammuz are probably the best examples I can think of.

But the likelihood of any of them influencing the story of Jesus seems highly unlikely. Osiris’ death and resurrection is too different to that of Jesus. Tammuz is ruled out by the scholarship of Amar Annus, which shows that Second Temple Jewish literature was heavily polemical against Babylonian paganism. The notion of a long dead Ugaritic cult having any influence on 1st century Jews is absurd.

Thanks. I already had Lord Jesus Christ, but I was looking for some others.

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Osiris never underwent a resurrection. Bart Ehrman explains this one pretty clearly.

I have not read Mettinger’s book so I cannot comment on whether or not I think it’s correct or not, but it is in fact a tiny minority. But I am well aware as well that Mettinger specifically says that none of what he’s supposedly found had any influence on the Christians, and so there’s really no debate on this issue anyways.

I’m unaware of the ‘examples’ of Baal and Tammuz, but you should probably get your information on these two from scholars rather than nonsense online.

Thanks a lot!

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Do you know if the Unseen Realm can be found anywhere online?

You could get it with a free trial of Scribd.

I have scribd, I can’t find it there though.

edit: found it.

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Due to reasons of copyright, I have removed the links here to other PDFs.


Fantastic! Thanks!

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