Richard Dawkins & Francis Collins: Biology, Belief and Covid

I remember struggling with Collins’ perspective on this in “Language of God.” At times he seems inconsistent. Sometimes talking like miracles do fit within the scientific explanation of things and some times not. That is why I seem to be more like Dawkins and simply pushing for a change in the definition of miracles. Though it seems to me that every time this gets talked about on the forum it ultimately comes to question of Jesus’ resurrection, which isn’t a problem for me because of Paul’s explanation in 1 Cor 15 of resurrection to a spiritual body rather than to a physical/natural body. Eventually this has people ask me what happened to the physical/natural body of Jesus then? And for me that is the old rabbit disappearing from the hat trick… something for which the possible explanations are endless. Because I certainly do not believe in bodies rising from graves which is frankly like a zombie/vampire movie… only making Christianity into something creepy rather than hopeful… This is beside the fact that it doesn’t make much sense in general since there is nothing special about the matter the body is made up of at any particular time.