No question that traditional Christianity requires a Fall and Jesus death on the cross as as sacrifice to make amends for that Fall. By seeing Jesus’ role as Christ in a somewhat different light, I (and many others) can more easily envision our Creator as a Loving Father–loving his wayward children even when they spurn his offer to become co-creaors with him. Even as a minority, we non-traditioalists like to consider ourselves Christian. We hope you and other evangelicals can do so, too.[quote=“AdCaelumEo, post:3, topic:35961”]
Scripture trumps science every time. Only one is described as God-breathed, and it isn’t science.
One advantage of our outlook: We do NOT see science competing with religion in some ‘card game’ where one must trump the other to WIN; rather, they constitute two pathways to the Truth that complement each other.
God Bless
Al Leo