Rejecting evolution does not equal rejecting science

Kinds are simple. Animals that come from a common ancestor are the same kind. Any breed of dog is part of the wolf kind, along with wolves and all related animals. Cattle, bison and buffalo come from the cow kind. Bears come from the bear kind. Now compare it to the Linnaeus system and families.

Many things were once falsely explained by the supernatural. Epilepsy was once called the “Sacred Disease.” We didn’t know anything about the brain and were helpless to treat the disease. So good to have medicine now instead of exorcism! . .

Interesting indeed! . I suppose that it’s only when you proclaim they’re the same kind.

The energy that is found in our planet is stable in the sense that there have been sources of energy found in sun, other heat sources, water and chemicals to provide life for billions of years.

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I’ll ask again just in case you care to consider for the future,
Have you seen evolution being used as a religion or as a viable theory?
We’re claiming, many of us Christians who hold to the authority of God’s Word (our God who spoke to an ANE people and not 21st century modern science-exposed people), that evolution is not a theory in crisis. You continue referring to it as a religion for people who don’t want to have a god.

You seem to be fitting @T_aquaticus’s definition, based on observation.


You would have to change the most fundamental universal physical constants for those processes to be different in the past. In doing so, you would have to throw out every single flood theory you have ever read about.

Also, a real scientific reference would be appreciated.

That is false. Methods based on isochrons don’t make this assumption. Also, in the case of K/Ar and U/Pb dating we can direction observe that new rocks aren’t contaminated with appreciable amounts of daughter isotopes. You would have to change the fundamental laws of physics for this to be different in the past.

This would result in different dates when using different methods. This isn’t the case. Completely different methods produce the same dates.

What you are saying is that we would have to change all of the laws of physics in order for YEC to be right.


What criteria do you use to determine if two different species belong to the same kind? I’m guessing there aren’t any.

Humans and other apes are in the same Linnaean family. Are we the same kind?


You are saying that humans can’t evolve from one celled ancestors because the 2nd law of thermodynamics forbids it. If this was true, then humans couldn’t develop from a single cell. We do develop from a single cell.

That’s not what the 2nd law of thermodynamics says.

Because the 2nd law of thermodynamics allows for decreases in entropy when there is an input of energy into a system. It’s one of the most basic concepts there is in physics.

For the same reason classical physics is still taught even though it isn’t fully accurate at all velocities and energies.

Similarities between embryos and horse transitional fossils are still evidence for evolution. I would suggest reading something other than creationist apologetics.


@Patrick_S still has had no response to the article about the Hawaiian island chain.


So, Jesus and his followers were wasting time exorcising demons from people?

And it will remain that way. Not my area and I don’t want to learn about it right now.

No, it isn’t the wording, but it is the result. Can you name an exception that doesn’t require some type of machinery, living or mechanical to reduce entropy? Let me discount crystals and snowflakes first, so they aren’t a distraction.

What area is your area? We haven’t seen one demonstrated. You have touched on several subjects shallowly, including plate tectonics. That is the what Hawaiian islands chain is all about.


I’m not against plate tectonics except for subduction. Except for limited areas, geology, biology, and past sciences aren’t a problem. It’s when they try to stretch theories into proofs we have problems. And when they try to replace catastrophism with gradualism. Everything changes, and has changed. Very quickly in some instances.

Yeah, it didn’t take too long at all for me to change from being a YEC – it happened in an afternoon. (For all the decades that I was one, I never did like the explanations of why there was light and solar days before the sun was created. They always seemed forced and contrived.)


That’s a baseless assertion.

The Sun creates a temperature gradient between the equator and the poles on Earth. That is a reduction in entropy.

No, it really, really isn’t. What exactly is your background in physics?

You’ve already been given one. The sun shining on a dark rock in a field of snow is another. In any case, so what? If the 2nd Law forbids a process, it forbids it with or without machinery present. If a process is possible with machinery, it doesn’t violate the 2nd Law.

I’m afraid your posts here are powerful evidence that the title of this thread is accurate. You’ve rejected multiple fields of science in this one thread based on falsehoods people have told you about them.


No, of course not. Jesus offered real healing to those who suffered from neurological problems. Should we not treat with medicine those who suffer from these diseases today?

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So are you saying that the demons that Jesus cast out weren’t really spiritual beings? Real demons.