I find curious that you take the discussion all the way back to Brown vs the BoE trial.
I don’t demonize you at all.
I do think you’re mistaken, at least, and downright wrong.
Yesterday I saw the videos of a young PhD who just published a book titled–
Replacing Darwin.
I further saw a newly published text from the folks at EvolutionNews.org. IT too was a “debunking” of the ideas of the “theistic evolution” views.
After having ran through the gamit with numerous BL supporters the other day, I’m not entirely interested in repeating it.
I think the point you’ve noted, and what I see are completely different.
You use a term which I do think is troubling— christian opinions.… about origins.
For decades I tried getting the bible to fit the evolutionary time periods. The ONLY reason I did so, is because I didn’t want to be considered a freak, or idiot for believing that God created everything. I.e., peer-pressure. I consider myself a reasonable individual, have been educated in math and physics. Can code in a couple of different programming languages, and am really good with my hands at fixing things. And I mean REALLY>>>>>>>> good with my hands.
I find it disconcerting that normally intelligent, and otherwise godly people would go this way, trying to get the bible to fit the world’s views on origins. I.e., christian opinions.
Jesus told us— if anyone WANTS to be my disciple, let them pick up their cross (instrument of death), and deny themselves daily, and follow me.
As I’ve come to understand this over the past 4 decades— denying ourselves consists of not just self-denial of our appetites for carnal pleasures, but our ideas, and our thinking on ideas which would go counter to the biblically defined views of life, and reality. I.e., as Jesus told Peter, in Matthew 16— we’re learning to see as God sees. We already saw as man sees, and in following JEsus, it’s time to put aside the ways we saw before, and begin learning to see what/how God is teachings us to see.
So. the question becomes---- what’s more important to you?
To continue to get man’s point of view, or learn from God’s Point of View?
One-- man’s pov-- is finite, and limited to finite/myopic means of understanding and awareness.
The latter-- God’s PoV-- is infinite, and unlimited by man’s means of understanding and awareness.
Isaac Newton sure didn’t have a problem with God’s PoV. He actually said he depended on it, so he could gain a more accurate perspective. This allowed him to develop the ideas he had, and published. While his ideas of alchemy were wrong, calculus, gravity and optics are still used to this day in math and physics.
I won’t say that there are others who don’t “demonize” your beliefs about “theistic evolution.” I am not one of them. I will say, that I do not understand why you’d be so ready to dismiss what God said he did, and believe man over God.
Who are you following?
Men who claim to follow God?
Men who claim to seek truth, but get stuck in the quagmire of the unknown claiming to know?
Or God?
If God, then learn what God has ACTUALLY said, and not what you THINK he said.
Telling people that the bibical creation narrative is in error, and therefore the reason for Jesus’ coming to die for our sin is in error— you’re not promoting truth. You’re promoting an opinion for which the rest of us will indeed stand against you, because you’re standing against the gospel— which is the only reason we profess the name of Jesus to begin with.
WE’re not to follow other men, unless they’re following Jesus (1 Cor. 11:1), and then only to the degree they’re actually following Jesus. We’re SUPPOSED to be following Jesus ourselves! Remember what Jesus told Peter when Peter asked about John’s duties. “What does it matter to you if I decide he sticks around until I return! You follow Me!”
Don’t follow the ideas of men. Follow Jesus. Men have been leading people astray for millennia. Jesus has never once led anyone astray.