Question from a YEC: What explains sedimentary rock other than a worldwide flood?

Science rarely gets turned on its head and it mostly changes by becoming more accurate and more precise. It also tends to be self-correcting. So I’m afraid your “science changes” and “shifting sands” argument is a classic straw man and a pretty hollow one at that. On the other hand, flawed interpretations of scripture and bad exegesis have the opposite tendency, resisting correction and becoming worthy of characterization as a rut, a rut deep enough that those in it cannot see out of it and it becomes their entire reality.

That also applies to Biblical interpretations – they can be and are turned into idols, false representations of the true God and the truth that comes from the reality of his creation.

All science does is investigate physical reality, and where the interpretation of that reality appears to conflict with the interpretation of reality based on the Bible (which not so incidentally is concerned with spiritual truths, not scientific ones), one or the other, or both interpretations are in error.

This is a truth that comes from physical reality and cannot be discarded simply because of one’s misinterpretation of biblical reality: