I cannot follow your reasoning. If I knew something (somehow) before it happened, how would this remove free will? If God knew Judas would betray, well before Judas was born, how would this destroy Judas’s will in any sense. It would simply mean that God has the ability to know beyond what we can (unless you have another view of knowing).
It makes no difference to my point. Jesus had a curious (and disappointing) response to it from the perspective of anybody eager to see legalism upheld and endorsed by him.
YOU dear sir are not God a sentinel infinite being incapable of death,outside of time and creator of the cosmos. I don’t know why it’s so hard to wrap this around. His reasoning it’s fine. Stop using humans as an example. We are talking about a being here. If God knew from the begining this scenario he basically precondemned Judas. Basically Judas didn’t have a choose. It might have seemed he had. But he hadnt. He was “worked” to choose betrayal. Just like a programed character on a game. The developer just puts a y=false command to the programm ,so the ai had no choise technically
Again . God "since he is outside of time "created time. Then he interacted with it by creating this cosmos(our universe,and maybe others as well). He apparently knew that all of these events in world history would happen before even creating the universe. He knew the outcomes of creating man and that sin would enter (if it wasn’t there already). And you Christians are trying to play mind games here about God and “time” using some not so clever arguments to create a scapegoat for him. So tell me
That great,innfite ,all-knowleagable,all-powerful being he couldn’t find a single alternative way to shape all of world history or to create us without sin and simultaneously with free will?
If he couldn’t then sorry . Theres only one word that it’s worth describing him . Useless
Just curious – how does it deal with God’s providential interventions, especially the ones where there are sets of multiple disjunct events (e.g., Maggie and Rich Stearns)?
But it is not just about knowledge but also participation. If it is only knowledge and no ability to alter events as you choose then it would not remove free will. But if you are a participant and causing those events then absolute knowledge and power equates with absolute control and the only free will is yours alone.
No problem with that!
God’s omnitemporality doesn’t suggest it, so I don’t know where that came from, sorry.
If memory serves, Jesus told Peter that he would deny him 3 times before the rooster crowed. Peter did it anyway.
In our limited human mind that seems the only way to have both yes and I agree. But God is not human. He surely could have think a different scenario which both existed
He could think of a way for 2+2 to equal 5? Not without changing the meaning of those things.
Likewise people can empty free will of meaning. Make love into something you have for wind up dolls. Demote God to a dreamer or an author of a book. But the result is a Christianity which isn’t worth much either.
There is a difference between the use of the imagination by an inventor and that of a dreamer. What the dreamer imagines doesn’t have to make any sense because it isn’t real.
He could find an equation that will prove 2+2=5 . And I believe he can do that. He’s God after all
A better say would be “What the inventor invest doesn’t have to make sense to the others to work”
“Misses the point”. No it doesn’t. Why it does? Haven’t you ever complained at God? Why do you guys keep playing the Saint here ? You are far better off than it(speaking in general terms)
It sounds like you just read the post without following the link and that you never did listen to or read the transcript of
God Is A Bad Fairy Godmother
I did followed your link. That one number next to it? Yeah that was me
Do you see a little problem with complaining against a God you refuse to believe in?
Did you read it once you got there?
People ask “Why me?” when something happens to them that they don’t like. A better question is “Why not me?”
Not without changing the meaning of the numbers and symbols. He’s God not any kid on the block doing whatever nonsensical thing he wants in a dream. It is not a matter of what God can do but a matter of speaking about God coherently. Being able to do anything, whether it makes sense or not, is the difference between a dream and reality. Reducing reality to a dream and God to a dreamer is a considerable demotion from a genuine creator. For the words to have any meaning of substance, the omnipotence of God does not mean God can do whatever you say by whatever means you care to dictate. Otherwise it is just plain meaningless.
It has to make sense according to some understanding of how things work, or he is not an inventor but a dreamer. And if it makes sense according to how things work, then other people can understand this also.
I guess you are disappointed in god as he does not measure up to your expectations.
The way the Gospel describes Judas may suggest that he was out of his mind (or that the devil got into him). It seems his greed and other human frailties combined with some sort of influence by the devil are considered. I guess the question of free will would be discussed in this context. ie:
Luke 22. the chief priests and the scribes were seeking a way to put him to death, for they were afraid of the people.
3 Then Satan entered into Judas, † the one surnamed Iscariot, who was counted among the Twelve,
4 and he went to the chief priests and temple guards to discuss a plan for handing him over to them.
5 They were pleased and agreed to pay him money.
6 He accepted their offer and sought a favorable opportunity to hand him over to them in the absence of a crowd.
Confraternity of Christian Doctrine.