Quantum Mechanics / Physics?

Thanks Mitchel for your comments.
Regarding your comment that the substance of the universe is not controlled by mind but by mathematical laws of nature…
I agree that this is true based on uncertainty principle because when our conscience mind observes we have no idea of location except as a mathematical probability…but I suggest for God the Father, he knows the location because he can see the future and all possibilities of observation, and then makes His choice.
So God controls what I call “quanta” but we can’t.
What do you think about this point?

Interesting that CERN has got a potential idea for a new physics. An old friend of mine is married to a CERN scientist, and the discovery of the HIGS Boson while a triumph, it also failed to support their theories - they expected to discover other particles. So it became a dead end and a struggle to develop a new physics.
Also surprised that anything about string theory can be proved. Will look into it.

No this idea that the things in quantum physics are represented as a probability only because we don’t know the hidden variable has been proven wrong. The so called hidden variables simply do not exist.

I suggest that the future is a story which is written by God and man together. What God wants is an authentic relationship, not just characters in a novel which He has written by Himself. I have little doubt that God can see the superposition of possibilities which is the future and that He could control it if He wanted to. But that would be the annihilation of life and free will, completely defeating His purpose for creating the universe.

I think the greatness of God is found in His choice of love and freedom over power and control. This is why He created a universe that operates on its own by the laws of nature which He created to support the self-organizing phenomenon of life. This way we would have an existence based on something other than His will alone so that we would not just be a dream of His, but living conscious people with whom He could have a real relationship.

It was a surprise to me also.

Look him up on YouTube. He has made some videos that explains it well.

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