Predestination :

As for me…

I am an incompatibilist libertarian open theist. I reject all five points of TULIP calvinism and I find a lot of the full statement of the Arminian articles of remonstrance to be even worse.

Total depravity: is wrong but there is a grain of truth there. Total depravity is where all sin leads eventually. But it is easy to see in the Bible that God is often finding good things in people. So it is not that people cannot do anything good, but that the good in them cannot defeat the evil which is also there.

Unconditional election: Election is not about salvation but about God choosing people for a role in His providential work. Those who are elected might not be saved and those who are saved might not be elected.

Limited Atonement: Christ died for all. But God requires us to make a choice. He may have to liberate our free will before we can make such a choice. But is WE who choose whether to accept the gift or not.

Irresistible Grace: Grace may only require the smallest crack in the door… a desire for the desire to be saved and to feel repentance. But we still have to want at least that much. And yes that means that some feel they are dragged kicking a screaming through door when the larger part of them do not want to change their life. But there are those who harden their hearts and choose their sin over goodness, allowing no cracks anywhere for God to get at them.

Perseverance of the Saints: Even asking the question of whether you can lose your salvation is to throw faith out the window. This one transforms faith into entitlement which is behind all the most terrible things that Xtians have done in history. It is nothing less than an abomination, turning Xtianity into something evil.

so what does it mean to say I am an incompatibilist libertarian open theist?

libertarian means I believe in free will not as a magical addition but as a part of the self-organizing process of life itself. It is not universal, absolute, or guaranteed, but varies considerable between people and can be damaged by a great number of different things. Sin destroys free will and makes people predictable and easy to manipulate.

incompatibilist means I do not believe that free will is compatible with determinism or absolute predestination. I don’t think an already written future is even compatible with consciousness.

open theist means the future only exists as a superposition of possibilities. Knowledge is a form of power and as we have discovered in quantum physics to know the future is to create the future. Omniscient means God has the ability to know whatever He chooses same as omnipotence means God has the ability to accomplish whatever He chooses and not that He must do so.