Prayer and the arrogance of believers

20 posts were split to a new topic: Theological differences between Islam and Christianity

If you think you know all the answers, why do you want to be here? Always circular arguments. We are trying to make people believe as you do. If you know all the answers of the universe, then you should not need this forum. :laughing:

Benjamin (@Find_My_Way) ,

This is the first time I have visited the site. I just wanted to say I really admire your passion for Truth, and to really understand complex issues. They are for certain not simple and so have no simple answers. Some of what Christianity entails can be thought, or known through the mind. God gave us an intellect for a reason. But many other parts of it are felt. This is the Holy Spirit and it’s difficult to describe.

My husband and I often laugh at how we once thought we were ‘in love.’ It surely felt that way at the time. But what we feel now when we are together, just talking to each other and being at home in sweats is more than just a feeling. We have actually changed each other. We actually WANT to change in order to please the other person. It isn’t work. It doesn’t ever seem difficult actually. It has been over 4 years, and our relationship is stronger and more fulfilling than it was when we first fell in love. This, we understand, is the Holy Spirit and we have never experienced Him in a romantic relationship before.

I remember when I prayed and my prayer seemed impossible. That’s how I know God was answering, because there was no logical explanation for what happened. Also, I felt it in my Spirit. I felt His Hand upon me. Why did God answer my few prayers and not others? I honestly don’t know. I am just so thankful for a God who cares, and who listens.

So anyway, I encourage you to seek the Holy Spirit above all. He/It will guide you, reveal Truths to you and give you understanding that is beyond intellect. I know for certain that God will answer your questions because you are sincere and truly want to know. Keep asking, and looking and listening. The answers are coming. Pursue Him, and He will Pursue you Back. Just know, we are not meant to understand everything at once, or necessarily in Intellectual terms that can be proven or even explained.

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