Post resurrection accounts of Jesus in the gospels, consistent or not?

The errors are ubiquitous. Let’s look at the resurrection story. AiG timeline has Luke’s Gospel story as the initial appearance of Jesus. In Luke, Jesus meets the 11 via a teleportation and tells them to not leave Jerusalem! So at what point did he tell the women to tell the disciples to go ahead of him to Galilee? As that would appear Jesus no longer wants the 11 to stay in Jerusalem. How many times do the women visit the tomb to see Jesus? Of course there are clearer errors, for example compare Matthew 4 with Luke 4 regarding the order of temptations. Again you need to create a story to reconcile the accounts.

But the biggest contradiction, in my view, is the contradiction between the promises of Jesus and our actual reality. Jesus promised to never forsake the believer and, that “if you believe, you will receive whatever you ask”. ( Matt 21:22). There the test is much simpler and verifiable for anyone.

A simple test would do. Ask me anything in prayer, and then ask Jesus for the same thing. Then, compare the results.

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