Possible hidden message in Genesis 5?

I feel like you just rolled.over my point. An specific example of why presumptions have no power over long age interpretations would be more helpful. I am will share an example of where I believe this may be an issue after I hear why you dismiss this idea straight away.

No I didn’t “roll over” your point. I gave you a very specific response to it.

The point is that you are dealing with mathematics and measurement. Presumptions have no power over “long age interpretations” because “long age interpretations” are determined by measuring things, and presumptions do not affect the results of any kind of measurement. Conclusions drawn from measurements are not “just interpretations” or “just assumptions”: they are tightly constrained by mathematics and logic, and as such they have to obey very precise and exact technical rules. Rules such as arithmetic, algebra, trigonometry, calculus, linear regression, logarithms, statistics and so on. Rules which are exactly the same in every area of science, and exactly the same for everyone. 1+1=2, \pi = 3.14159265358979..., and \frac d {dx} e^x = e^x whether you are Ken Ham or Richard Dawkins, the Pope or the Dalai Lama, Graham Kendrick or Billie Eilish. Error bars are calculated exactly the same way whether you are Francis Collins or Neil de Grasse Tyson.

Before we go any further, how well do you understand these concepts? Do you have a mathematical and scientific background yourself, or has your education and professional experience been more geared towards the arts, humanities and social sciences?


I find it quite fascinating if the meanings are true which I am going to check on. No I don’t think the ancient Jews would have seen it that way.

Edited to add: well, I check on the meaning of some of the names and it doesn’t seem to work out. Wish it had but this seems to be bunk

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That’s always a sound starting point gbob.

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