You are very kind. No, I was in the middle of a work day and had all sort of alarm bells ringing that I shouldn’t have written that. After all, the Bible is the single book I have ever most studied my whole life–I read the book of Revelation to get the blessing promised when I was 11 , and tried writing a more modern English version of Malachi about the same time. I have led many Bible studies from being a teen on up, won at Bible trivia in our Christian school (though not necessarily in accumulating the fruits of the Spirit thereby), and I know better. Enns wouldn’t have said such a thing However, I was thinking more obscurely–and then, unwisely, made a very broad stroke. In my defense, I was thinking more of an American type of inerrancy; but a moment’s reflection would have made me avoid sticking my foot in my mouth.
I appreciate your patience. Like others, I, too, really found my breaking point with the inerrancy doctrine of the West in trying to fit passages like Numbers 31–where the women, children and men are all killed, and the virgins shared among the Israelites–into God’s character. Rather, it fits only into what the ANE does. Randal Rauser said, " It is far from clear that the appropriate response to a culture that murders some of its children is to kill everyone in the culture, including the children."
In the “Five Views,” Al Mohler, Kevin Vanhoozer, Pete Enns, Michael F Bird, and John R Franke interact with their opinions. You can get a lot from the synopsis, but the book is terrific, as each writes a response, dealing with various types of challenges to inerrancy. Michael Bird is brilliant with humor, and points out that the majority of the world does not accept an American type of inerrancy, though they do accept another type. Vanhoozer argues that inerrancy is true, when properly contextualized. Mohler tended to argue from a Western, perhaps more dispensationalist point of view. I would be interested in your evaluation of this book.
Boyd started writing a book to justify the OT violence, but found he was not able. Thus, he believed that Christ, who said he was the better revelation, came to tell us how to view God and history–and correct our misperceptions. I don’t agree with his entire approach, but like most points of view, it does teach me something valuable.
Again, thank you.