(evolutionary providentialist)
January 7, 2022, 8:34pm
I have cited objective evidence for God’s providential interventions. You didn’t seem to have as much of a problem here (it acquired your ‘like’, anyway):
Do you esteem the art above the artist? Yeah, I guess I just don’t.
I’m afraid that rationalization doesn’t connect the evidentiary dots in Rich Stearns’ experience that draws a line that points straight to God… outside of the natural (without breaking any natural laws – very cool!). I don’t suppose you want to talk about connecting the dots that reveal the also very cool picture of God’s providential interventions in Maggie’s experience . Huh. No natural laws were broken in that, either, were there.
Yes, other dimensions fit the evidence quite well. Multiple extra (as in ‘extradimensional’) have been postulated in string theory, I understand (not that i understand string theory ).
Consciousness, human anyway, cannot orchestrate providential interventions like we have good evidence for, that’s why not.
Yes, it’s an epistemic issue, isn’t it. You might give Bonhoeffer’s hermeneutic more serious consideration.
Absolutely. You’re right – it’s completely irrational. I guess I’m in the same sad ship as Rich and Maggie, nonsensically connecting the dots to make beautiful and interesting pictures, just like so many multiple others have over the centuries (remember George Müller ?). Such sad, dreary and discordant Christmas music comes from us too.