Pevaquark Doesn't Like Fine Tuning Apologetics and Neither Should You

I agree that the God of the Gaps is bad, because God is God of the Facts, that is God is responsible for the facts of the universe. God is the Source of the Universe and all that is, which means God is behind the natural processes which form the universe.

This is what it means to say that Science and Faith are not opposed to each other, which is the Good News of Jesus Christ and Bio Logos. I can understand your anger at apologetic speakers, but Christians are not called to anger, but reconciliation and correction.

God created each of us in the womb of our mothers as the end of a long historical and natural process. It was “supernatural” in that God did it, but God did it in a most natural and common way

You said before that you do not know if the multiverse exists or not.

That is not the real issue. There is evidence for what we call the Big Bang, but before that or very shortly before that there is no evidence for the existence of the universe. The question is not exactly how the universe happened, but when it happened.

Sounds like a No God of the Gaps to me.

Methinks that you are contradicting yourself. First you say that “may be” science can and will beyond t = 0, then you say only science can settle problems of how nature works, which is not true if there are always questions as to how nature works… There must be limits to scientific knowledge if science is to be able to settle anything. And there must be limits to philosophical and theological knowledge if they are to settle anything.