Ok, what am I missing here?

Hello, there were a few things that were not exactly right in your extensive post.

If this is true, then Jesus’s life could just be another metaphor, and then there is no reason for the Christian faith!

I would appreciate it if you could expound on this a little more, because all of my experience with evolutionary doctrine tells me that it would take an " irresponsible, evil, or uncaring" god to create a world where animals must kill each other to survive, and then call it “very good.” Death came about because of man’s sin. Paul says the whole creation “groans” because of man’s sin. (Please note that I used a lower case “g” because I am not talking about the real God.)

The the thought that this idea exists is an extremely dangerous to the Christian faith. It is saying young earth creation has no “science” or “evidence” to back it up, which couldn’t be far from the truth.

You are correct in stating that the Bible does not explicitly say that they were created as-is, but it does say that they were created “after their kinds.”

This is like saying that Charles Dickens’s Tale of Two Cities is a manuscript of Herodotus’s work because they both have similar line spacing. The explanation would be that over the centuries there have been so many mistakes that eventually the ancient document turned into this very well written fictional story about people in paris and London. Ridiculous.

Excuse me, but I believe there is a statement at the top of the page that says these are forums for “gracious dialogue about science and faith.” And pardon me for saying this, but that is not gracious, but is an insult to his beliefs.

Young earth creationists are not ignoring this. You see, there just happens to have been a worldwide flood as recorded by the Holy Bible, which would have eradicated all evidence of an old earth whatsoever. And the arguments that the flood was not global are false. The only way that one could say it wasn’t global is to say the “15 cubits over the tops of the mountains” verse is metaphorical. But then, why even keep the flood at all? Why not just say the flood story was metaphorical. I refuse to believe that any of the history recorded in the Bible is “metaphorical.” That would be blasphemy. I am not saying that there are no metaphorical portions of the Bible, but they are fewer and farther in between than ECs say.

The only thing labs hace conclusively shown is how inaccurate all of the dating methods used are. These date you have given is the average of them all. Did you know that a fossilized cowboy’s foot, still in the boot, was dated to over 200 million years old? The dates evolutionists give for the age of the earth vary so much that is it hard to see why anyone would trust them. Only one of the dating methods gives us 4.5 billion years, the rest give us closer to 500 million.

There is something you must understand, there is no such thing as objective evidence. All evidence is interpreted.