New Post: Is the COVID-19 Vaccine a Miracle?

There definitely were some failures, primarily with vaccines that used more traditional vaccine development methods.

Also of note is that the J&J vaccine, which is also a more traditional vaccine, is less effective at totally preventing COVID infection than the mRNA ones… but is very effective at preventing serious COVID disease that requires hospitalization.

But I wouldn’t say anyone was expecting failures, in terms of NOT being able to develop a working vaccine, vaccine development is hardly new science. The mRNA vaccines being newer were more of a unknown quantity, but as this article from 2018 shows, they already knew that vaccines with this technology provided very potent immune responses and could be made much faster than other vaccines. The companies wouldn’t have thrown so many resources behind them if they didn’t have a pretty good expectation of it paying off. (Keep in mind for instance, that Pfizer took no money for vaccine development, they only had commitments to purchase the vaccine if they successfully produced one).

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Yup. Australia scrapped one promising vaccine after after the inoculation produced false positive test results for H.I.V. in some volunteers participating in a trial study. read article

Abandoned because they knew the public would never trust it, not primarily out of safety concerns.

But I don’t think miracles have to break laws of nature at all. In fact I believe that apart from the resurrection, almost every biblical miracle was within those laws. And unlike some on this forum, I’m happy to accept incredible coincidences as miracles. So that’s not the reason why I don’t consider vaccine a miracle. The main reason for me, is that it was produced INTENTIONALLY, with a lot of money, effort and expertise thrown at it*. So if you pass your exam because you studied a lot, then for me that’s not a miracle. Or if your dog recovers from an illness after vet gave treatment… Perhaps I have higher criteria for a miracle, as I don’t accept them if an effort(LOTS of it in this case) has been made to accomplish something.

Again, I don’t think that at all. I say that about a lot of things… Neurological stuff, origins of religion, you name it!

*and have you considered it Sir, that all these resources probably have been pulled away from other research? There can only be so many vaccine development experts etc. and I’m sure they were doing something else before being called to this. So in theory other vaccines/drugs have been delayed. Maybe that is the real price for having these vaccines.

At least not those of us from the outside who fully expect science to deliver on something like this eventually. But insiders involved with the actual research and development probably routinely expect lots of failure for most of the things they try (things that never make the light of day then to media or public eye). Such failure is the “undergrowth” of science - the nourishing soil from which the eventual successes can spring up into sunlight and into celebrated view. Those won’t exist apart from all the substrate of inevitable failures that will permeate every field.

Just ran across this verse this morning in Luke 17:

The kingdom of God does not come with signs to be seen. Nor will they say ‘Look here!’ or ‘There!’ For behold, the kingdom of God is in your midst.

So when Jim writes:

Miracles in the Bible were rare or extraordinary events, to be sure. But more than that, they were “signs and wonders” that pointed to the reality of the Kingdom of God. They showed people something important about God and God’s plans for the world.

It would appear that Jim might actually be understating the point he could be making, at least on the strength of some of what Jesus said there. I think he’s actually being charitable toward “signs enthusiasts”.


I’m not sure I understand you, then. It sounds to me like you’re saying if people put in effort, then God couldn’t have had anything to do with it. And you’re saying that if God gets credit for a miracle, then the scientists don’t get any credit.

But when I suggested that you seem to be saying we can’t say both at the same time, you say:

I’m going to need a little more explanation.

I didn’t say that God had NOTHING to do with the vaccine, I can’t possibly know that. But fact remains that all the work has been done by PEOPLE, so if there was divine intervention then at most it would be perhaps preventing some obstacles…even if true, I still wouldn’t classify it as a miracle, sorry.

Again, we’re back to what are we happy to call a miracle. You can say that we have the vaccine because it’s ultimately God’s will, therefore miracle, but then you can say that about everything. That’s why I would only say something is a miracle if it happened completely against the odds or at minimal effort, and there is no proof of either in this case. Again, I’m not saying that God definitely had nothing to do with it, if anything we wouldn’t have advances in medicine needed if humanity wasn’t granted enough intelligence, if we didn’t have all these gifted individuals to come up with the vaccine this time etc. But these are indirect actions, so therefore to me not a miracle. By not calling it a miracle I can actually both credit everyone involved and be grateful to God as well, for making it even possible in the first place. Let’s not forget that there was no such possibility during Spanish flu.

I wasn’t talking about miracles. More general stuff, like when atheist say that prayer doesn’t work because it’s just your brainwaves making you happy etc.

Hope this clears it up!

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I just read article by Jim Stump Is the COVID-19 Vaccine a Miracle?, which make my scratch my head. Conclusion of this article is that

My feeling is that enthusiasm of author, may God bless him, make him too careless in his thinking. I want to people stop dying from Covid-19, nothing surprising here, at the same time this article strikes me as very weird statement. Calling very secular thing like vaccine “sign and wonder that shows something important about God” make me feel uneasy and strange.

Main argument of this article is that, since one of the features of Kingdom of God is a healing the sick, so since vaccine is healing people (or preventing from being sick) so it is pointing to the Kingdom of God. And here my problems starts. When I go to doctor for help and I get cured this does generally make me thing about God, in fact it is often opposite of that. In moments of ordinary sickness I often overly concentrated on secular things and concerns.

Second thing, what about smallpox vaccine? This is probably one of the most important breakthrough in medicine of all time and since it eliminate smallpox to such extent, I have hardly think about it and never here about it spiritual interpretation. Covid-19 is with us today, so it is natural that we have strong feelings about it vaccine for it, but we should further.

Also, vaccine for Covid-19 points also to some darker things. We here about “No one is save, until everyone is safe.”, but peoples actions are often different. United Kingdom and European Union make vaccines part of they political war started by Brexit referendum, Germany buy additional doses breaking the rules that they promoted, countries in Africa seems to be in very bad position to vaccinated people, etc.

And when I write this one of vaccine productions powerhouses India is at the pick of horrible second wave and its neighbor Nepal is probably following in it footsteps. What to think about that?

There are other things about vaccines to tell, but I will stop now.


Can you explain what it is part of the providence of God? In some sense you can say that everything is a part of providence of God, but this is general that it become void of meaning.

Good point. Smallpox is the only human disease that I know of that has been totally eradicated. (It only exists in a lab.) And the Soviets and the US, although enemies, cooperated to bring about its demise.

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We (some of we, anyway :slightly_smiling_face:) make a distinction between general and special providence.


He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.



(I would put vaccine development in the general providence category, not that COVID vaccines are not extraordinary scientifically and in the speed of their development.)

Of course they do, but again, this was not completely brand-new development of the kind where you expect LOTS of failure along the way. They’d already used the mRNA technology to develop a number of other vaccines (which just hadn’t completely made it to FDA approval, because as I described, the usual amount of time it takes for that process) so they had a pretty good expectation that it was going to work. And traditional vaccine development specific for coronaviruses already existed. Obviously with any new virus, there is the possibility of failure, but with so many different avenues being taken that were already known to work, there was more expectation of success than failure.

Getting it completed and tested before the end of the year was more in the range of an unexpected success… but again, no one expected that we would have not done a better job in controlling the pandemic, and that was a big part of how it was able to show effectiveness so quickly.

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I see the ability given scientists to create a vaccine was given by God, the physical resources were given by God, etc. You make an excellent point that it also points to a lot of bumbling and downright evil on mankind part, and that gets to the problem of theodicy. It is easy to just say it is all due to sin, and sin is a big part of the problem, but some is also the limitations of resources and physical constraints. Of course, you also have to account for why God allowed such a virus to come into being if you give him credit for saving people with the vaccine. Those questions are above my pay grade, and I have really never been satisfied with the answers given, but tend to accept that such things are simply due to the nature of physical reality in this universe, and whatever is, is what it has to be.

I am not sure about miracle but I do believe God had a lot of “where two or more gather in my name” going on. I think He spanned time and space and put aside greed and power to the benefit of mankind all as examples of how the Kingdom is suppose to work when putting the great command to love thy neighbor into action. I do believe we are witnessing Godly intervention and maybe some Romans 8:28 going on

Welcome to our little corner of the internet, Tom. It is good to hear your voice, and I agree. The parable of the Good Samaritan is very applicable to the situation we have seen with Covid, as Jesus answered the question of who is our neighbor. The question we must answer is “Who are we going to be?” in the parable.

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I like the definition given by Anthony Hopkins as Paul to Jon Finch as Luke in the TV movie “Peter and Paul”.

“It is an event that creates faith.”

If, for example, someone sees the birth of a child as a miracle and it creates or enhances faith in them, why shouldn’t that qualify as a miracle?

“If it was a miracle, why allow the virus to evolve in the first place?”

Couldn’t that be said of any miracle in the Bible. For example, if it was a miracle why was the man allowed to be born blind in the first place, etc."


Thank you for clarification. I will try to read finally this thread on forum and think more about it. I always need a time to think about such topics.

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Thank you. For me all the dark things around vaccine, which we shouldn’t ignore, point primarily to us, humans. Why we can do evil things is one thing, but my attention is mostly attract by question: why in such situation we choose to do evil things? In many ways this is much more unpleasant and inconvenient question.

Also this bring to me this words. Again.

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Hello Tom. I hope that we both can learn from each other here.

That doesn’t address the question. It only multiplies it a hundred-fold.
