New Podcast: Esau McCaulley | Justice & the Bible

I’m curious to hear your sons’ response.

Finally got his book today. Looking forward to starting it next week sometime.


This would make a great title for a forum thread:

“I Call BS on the Idea that Exclusively White People Built This Country.”

It would make a great network news chyron, too. But I doubt you would see it on certain cable channels.



Yes and no. More freedom than 100 years ago? Yes. Is systemic racism no longer a factor? No.

Newsday performed a statistically rigorous examination of discriminatory behavior by real estate agents on Long Island (not the Deep South!) and discovered that about half of interactions between real estate agents and Blacks were discriminatory in nature.

NY is a state with strong anti-discrimination laws and authorities who are willing to enforce them, yet rampant discrimination against Blacks occur there. It is unlikely to be any better anywhere else in the US.

The only disheartening thing is that so many Americans are unaware of the powerful evidence for continuing systemic racism. You should read the Newsday report, Patrick; you would learn something important.

My $.02,