New Here Genesis: Textbook or storybook?

I’m not referring to a “pre-creation” period. In Genesis 1, creation happens in 1:1. The earth is created in 1:1 and is worked on for an unspecified amount of time in 1:2. Day one begins in 1:3 with the “and God said” refrain that marks the start of each day. So, even if one interprets the days as literal 24 hour days, one still cannot get to a YEC interpretation of Genesis 1. There’s nothing in Genesis 1 about “pre-creation.”

True that there are different ways of acquiring knowledge, particularly, through special or natural revelation. Special revelation (i.e. scripture) recommends that we avail ourselves of natural revelation. All truth is God’s truth.
Facts are discrete statements of truth. That Jesus commanded, “Love your neighbor,” is a fact and true. That Jeremiah lamented the destruction of Jerusalem is a fact. That Isaiah prophesied about Christ is a fact. That Jesus told a parable to describe who our neighbor is is a fact.
Falsehood does not necessarily connote lying and is always the opposite of truth. Whether someone sincerely believes something is true has no bearing on whether it is actually true. People can tell falsehoods that they sincerely believe but they are still false.

But you can’t reduce the truth of the Bible to “It is a fact people said stuff.”


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