Neurotheology: Making Sense of the Brain and Religious Experiences

Sir. King of Tyre is Lucifer. Your lying. Isaiah chapter 14. Lucifer always wanted the Mercy seat and be messiah. Your trouble maker. Ezekiel chapter 28 and Isaiah chapter 14 both connect.

My defensive position is justified. I did move on. But your post is out of line and false accusations. I think your trying to get moderator to move against me. This is bait tactic.

Every one has right to post. But your out of line. Again, I did move on. Your doing this on purpose. I had to respond to this.

Psalms chapter 37:12. The wicked plot, (scheme) against the just. And gnash at him with his teeth. False brethren infiltrate Body of Christ and forums, and distort God’s word and lie about the the righteous.

Your not Christian . 2 Corinthians chapter 4. :4 The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so they cant see the light of the gospel of Christ. False brethren don’t have holy Spirit. They have Unclean Spirit.

1 Timothy 4:2. Now the Spirit speaks expressly that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing Spirit’s, and Doctrine of devil’s.
4:2. Speaking lies in hypocrisy, and having their conscience seared with hot iron.
Those who don’t have holy Spirit, false brethren, the impurities are sealed by hot iron. These are Reprobates, and they are against the truth. These are Minister’s of Satan.

2 Corinthians chapter 11:4. For if somone comes to you and preaches a Jesus other than the Jesus we preached, or if you receive a different Spirit from the Spirit you received or different gospel form the one you accepted, you put up with it easily.

  1. You gladly put up with fools since you are wise. The fools are Reprobates, who are miniisters of Satan. They try to exploit Christian people and distort God’s word.
    11:15. It is not surprising, then, if his servants also masquarde as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve.
    False teachers go into Pit with Satan during milliumum.
    Kathairo in Greek means - demonic Spirit
    Chrisma in Greek means holy Spirit
    Katadunasteuo in Greek means - bully, devil
    Methodeia in Greek means - planned attack. Stealth.
    Kindunes in Greek means - false brethren.

Again. False brethren infiltrate Body of Christ and forums. They are defending Satan. They lie, and are manipulating. I told the truth. Because my credibility is being attacked, I had to respond. We know who the deceivers and liars are.

This is a deliberate planned attack against me. Im defending myself.

Isaiah 14 is about the downfall of the King of Babylon. In verse 12 it says "Oh how you are fallen from heaven O Day, Son of Dawn. It is the origin of the name “Lucifer” which we use for the angel spoken of in Rev 12 thrown down from heaven and called an “ancient serpent” which we identify with the snake in the garden which God says has become our adversary (Satan). But the Bible itself never associates this name “Lucifer” with the devil or with any angel. I don’t think it matters what we call the angel (“Lucifer” is as good a name as any), since a name is simply an identification which changes depending on what language we are using even when we are talking about God or Jesus.

In any case, this doesn’t at all alter the fact that Isaiah 14 is speaking of the King of Babylon and that Ezekiel 28 is speaking of the prince of Tyre, the king of Tyre and Sidon. And certainly Babylon and Tyre are different countries in completely different places, so identifying these with each other makes no sense at all. Tyre and Sidon were cities on the coast in Lebanon also known as Phoenicia.

It is a wonder to me how simply pointing out what the Bible says somehow makes a person a liar, a servant of the devil, and not a Christian. I suppose it could be true that Christianity has been invaded by deceivers as J55 claims, but I would think they are the ones seeking to use Christianity as a tool for their own power over other people and certainly not those who simply read the Bible for themselves and know what it actually says. How has the meaning of “liar” been changed to mean those who tell the truth and it is those saying things contrary to the facts which we must believe are telling the truth? What a crazy mixed up world! I remember that another name given to Satan in Revelation 12 is “deceiver of the whole world” and John 8 calls him the “father of lies”. So if anyone is serving this guy I would think it would be those changing the meaning of “liar” to its opposite.

??? Who are you?

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