There are two raqiya’s. Day-two mentions the raqiya five times. On this day it means the “spreading atmosphere” raqiya shamayim. Proverbs 8:28 explains this as geysers of the deep that ejected solid clouds. Evidently, the early earth’s atmosphere continues to form as geysers ejected ice-dust around the Earth as volcanic gases also emerged from the geysers. The moon Enceladus is the best way to understand day two. 100 geysers are ejecting ice dust and volcanic gases right now today. The ice around the Earth passively came down as the under surface tehom also passively rent during Noah’s mabbul. See Genesis 7:11).
However, there is another kind of raqiya shamayim, which we find on day four. It is the spreading places in the heavens of the stars. (This is not like the spreading vacuum of space time. Here the Sun, Moon and stars continue to become spreading things, raqiya shamayim).
Job 37:18 "Can you, with Him, spread out the skies, Strong as a molten mirror?
Notice that this sky is not solid, since it continues to spread out. Here we find the verb raqa that explains the dust clouds continues to spread out.
The next chapter helps us understand how something could be firm, yet spread out like dust. God asked Job, do you understand the chains that bind the Pleiades. The Pleiades used to be called the Seven Sisters or the Grape Cluster. Then something happened that obscured one of the stars so only six ones are visible to our eyesight. Indeed, the Pleiades is an open cluster where stars eject vast quantities of dust. The dust has obscured the seventh sister, except with telescopes.
He asks Job, can you loose the cords of Orion. Orion is another example of how things that were dense like a bronze mirror spread out into dust clouds. Probably a hundred Herbig Haro stars exist in Orion. They are characterized by two knotted ropes of dust emerging from the star. We can trace how the ropes of gas and dust formed the Orion nebula. What caused dense things in stars to loose their cords and spread out into dust clouds?
Please notice that the literal text of the Bible supports the visible astronomical history in local areas. It also has support in hundreds of billions of distant galaxies that spread out from the unformed matter in their cores. God began to energize (imperfect verbs) unformed matter with dithering light on day one.
The Bible describes the changes we observe in cosmic history. However, fundamental changes are not allowed in the western system. Yet we can see how billions of galaxies became spreading this as the clocks and the orbits accelerate together as galaxies often grew into local growth spirals, like the Milky Way.