My journey through faith/introduction

So anytime now you hardcore YEC folks could admit you have a problem instead of just victim blaming the intelligent kids who are unsatisfied with all the non-answers. Your team lost. Because you have a lot of lousy arguments and you tell people with legitimate questions that they just don’t have enough faith. That’s your problem, not his.


Well. I had an ultimatum.
Either you believe in the YEC interpretation. (young earth, No evolution)
Or you believe the “secular science” and the Bible becomes void and you won’t be a christian.

The YEC view has been proven false. So it would be very unreasonable for me to still believe it.
So yes. If YEC was the only interpretation i wouldn’t be a christian now.

My “team” lost?? You have me all wrong. This is not a competition with me. I am called to speak the truth, even if that means speaking to an empty room, because I know God will get the glory. That is my ONLY focal point. (1 Corinthians 13:1) “If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal.”

It is very possible. Many people find issues that, to them are a big problem. So they end up abandoning their faith. That is why there are forums like this and sites like Biologos. To help solve those problems.
And strengthen your faith.


If Christianity were proven false. No way around it.
Would you still believe it?

Welcome to the Forum, and, more importantly, welcome to the family!

Part of your post actually angers me–that the insistence on YEC puts barriers between people and Jesus (and his Church). I’m glad you got past that.

By the way, your English is really quite good.


It’s pretty simple for Christianity to be proven false to me. You would have to prove to me that Jesus did not resurrect from the dead. You prove that to me, and I will out wit the best of them indulging in every “sin” I could think of.

(1 Corinthians 15:14) “And if Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain and your faith is in vain.”

Thank you so much! :smiley:
You are also dutch?

Well, no. My parents were both Dutch.

I’m Canadian. :rofl:


Oh! We reach that far?

Great to see another brother. I’m a youngster myself and I realized the importance of getting people hooked as early as possible. I saw a quote the other day that said something like “You will be the only Bible some people will ever read in their lives.” I don’t want to miss anyone’s opportunity. And the great thing about now is that there’s so many more resources for these things than there was a generation ago. I think Francis Collins founded BioLogos in 2007, and I don’t know if I could imagine growing up in a time without all the resources, evidence and answers available widespread today. Would I be able to manage? Sure. But I am so much more confident right now than I would have otherwise been since more evidence is available. And BioLogos has been a great help. I think I joined the BioLogos a few months ago.


My thoughts exactly.
I think if forums like this and sites like Biologos are no more.
i would be struggeling.
But you are right. Together we are stronger!

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Together we are stronger. That’s a great way of looking at it. Thanks.

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Welcome, Totti. I am Juan Romero, a.k.a. archicastor1. As @Christy said, I am from Uruguay, in South America, so you will probably see me sharing some things in Spanish (translating them into English, of course).

So, you’re 15? Well, I am 16 (turning 17 in May).

GotQuestions? I like that website when it comes to questions about the Bible, but it falls flat on its face when talking about science.

I was like that until some (like two) years ago, when I discovered I didn’t have to deny evolution.

Atheist scientists? Oh brother. Tell them about Ken Miller and others, who hold traditional Christian beliefs and accept evolution. Miller, in particular, is one of the best ones around, since he has shown he can handle ID supporters by himself.

That’s a good one.

I hope you have a great time around here.


Totti, thanks for sharing your story. I hope you feel welcome here and find a community of support. I can only wish I had the same knowledge that you and others like @ManiacalVesalius and @archicastor1 have at your age. I grew up YEC and had to make a long, hard transition to evolutionary creation that took several years. It was a tremendous relief to see someone with the credentials of Francis Collins that had come to the same conclusions that I had regarding Creation, evolution, and Genesis.

Salvation is through Jesus Christ alone and anyone attempting to enforce a particular view of Genesis as a requirement for salvation is just plain wrong.

God bless you as you follow Him!

P. S. Since I have virtually no fluency in any foreign language, I was rather impressed with your English!


I just remembered when Ken Ham was asked something like “Hypothetically, if you found evidence that made you accept evolution, that the universe is older than 10000 years and creation didn’t take place in six literal days, would you continue to believe in God, in the historical Jesus of Nazareth and in Jesus as the Son of God?”

Ham gave a pretty long answer in which he never addressed anything. And I was like: “Sure, I would continue to believe in all of that”.

I remember a comment on a YEC video that said something like “As a Christian myself, I don’t know why so many people feel threatened by evolution. It is not a threat to belief at all.”

Tell me: if evolution was ever a threat to belief, why did Asa Gray accept it back in Darwin’s days? Why do scientists who hold traditional Christian beliefs such as Kenneth Miller accept it?

You know of the blog?

thanks friend!

Thank you! :smiley:

I’ve never read anything like that from Ham - he certainly seems to fight against EC as though his life (eternal) depended on it.

Hello Totti,

I want to let you know how much I enjoyed reading your story and appreciate your sharing it with us. This forum hosts wonderful discussions about some complex issues in science, philosophy, biblical interpretation, etc. But many of my favorite things to read here are testimonies such as yours of people’s unexpected paths to discovering God. Your journey (so far!) from atheism, to prodding by Jehovah’s Witnesses, to encountering and challenging YEC ideology, towards a confident and growing faith is inspiring. It is a moving testament to God’s faithfulness to bring you home and into the work for his Kingdom that he has in store for you.

I want to echo what Christy has said here. Are you willing to say where in Belgium you live? I have a friend from my church who grew up in Belgium (somewhere around Brussels), and he might have some ideas of how you can connect with some Christians nearby. There may be others in my church with connections there as well. (My church is called Washington International Church, and it very much lives up to the name.) I’d even be willing to do some research myself; I spend a lot of time researching communities all around the world, so I would actually really enjoy this.

I know that many Christians on this forum will be faithful to encourage you, pray for you, and help you with questions you encounter. But the Christian life is best lived in the company of fellow disciples with whom you can worship, study, pray, share one-another’s joys and burdens, and serve. May God bless you along the way.

Warm Regards,