Science only teaches part of the story @GJDS. In evolutionary creation, we believe this story is incomplete.
We see evolution the same way you probably see embryology. Science has a description of how babies are made that includes only natural laws and randomness. Scientifically speaking, this is description entirely excludes God. Yet, we also, at the same time hold that God “knits us together in our mother’s womb” and that He “knew us from before the foundations of the earth were laid.” These things are true too, and not in the scientific description.
Embryology “excludes” God from the definition because science is limited and incomplete. We, as Christians, complete embryology with God’s revelation to us. This gives us a more complete view.
I imagine (and hope) that you are okay this line of reasoning with embryology. No one is trying to design experiments to figure out exactly how God directly intervenes in utero to knit us. We do not care about this question, because we hold both descriptions to be True.
Why would evolution be any different? To me, evolution is just like embryology.