My ID Challenge

I do not make the assumption that you are young earth. I do make the observation that the Bible does not contradict Active Guidance. I also make the observation that you are creating a straw man argument by asserting that I am not making “room in their Darwin for theology”. Active Guidance makes room in the TOE for the active guidance of God. I have shown how this fits with Genesis 1 and 2 multiple times. I am not “sacrificing God at the altar of Darwin”. I am sacrificing orthodoxy at the altar of evidence and scripture. Sola Scriptura. This is absolutely “the other way around”. And I assure you, that nothing in my faith has been compromised.

You have not addressed how you are contradicting God’s plan by trying to create an irrefutable argument for the existence of God.

When Jesus sent his disciples out, he told them that if a town rejected them, they were to leave that town and shake the dust of the town off of their feet as they went. Jesus did not tell them to keep arguing with the town until the town relented out of the staggering weight of a preponderance of evidence. There is no magic formula for the conversion of the unwilling. ID is not a magic formula for the conversion of the unwilling. If someone refuses to see the evidence of God in the night sky, then they will refuse to see the evidence for God in your arguments for frontloaded genetic thingamabobs.

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