Many people here are by nature open to new ideas - it’s something that science enthusiasts often have in common. And one of the results of being open, and trying stuff out, is that one discovers that not all ideas are equal. I think it was G.K. Chesterton who once noted that the mouth is designed to open for the express purpose of closing again on something nutritious. It does not remain in an open state forever when there is food to chew and digest. The mind is the same way. If you refuse to let yourself ever reach a conclusion (even just tentatively - or in proportion to the evidence available) then you can’t say you are being truly open-minded.
I do have my own conclusion but not necessary to advocate it or to make others agree with it sir.
“If you refuse to let yourself ever reach a conclusion (even just tentatively - or in proportion to the evidence available) then you can’t say you are being truly open-minded.” I honestly didn’t understand this remark since this remark is beyond the premise itself what I am suggesting there.
Anyway, thank you.
I wasn’t disagreeing with you so much as adding in a balancing perspective. If I understand you rightly, you are correct that being open-minded about who all can be part of the church - that is good and needed open-mindedness. All I was trying to add was that in accepting each other - even when being correct about everything is obviously not a requirement for our Kingdom citizenship (none of us is right about everything) - even so, we are all apostles for whatever truth has been revealed to us, or whatever truth we are earnestly convinced about. If we also accept that about each other, without questioning each other’s status as children of God, then we can allow that we have things to teach each other as well as learn from each other. All children of God are loved. That will not make every last one of our opinions about truth equally warranted. But we should feel some urgency to pursue truth for ourselves and encourage others to do so as they are able to receive it. Because we do serve a God of Truth. And that truth takes on some extra urgency if it helps remove stumbling blocks that would come between them and the teachings Christ has for us, or worse yet - try to erect stumbling blocks in front of many others.
But so long as we all can join each other sitting at the master’s feet to learn, then scientific matters about origins or such things as that are probably of little to no importance. I’m agreeing with you about that.
Sorry for my misunderstanding. Thank you for your remark.
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