Mother Knows Best: Let’s Talk Common Vaccine Concerns

She said “newly aborted”, and the cell lines mentioned in your article are from 1972 and 1985. Neither of those are new. The cells being used today never themselves belonged to an aborted fetus. Those cells died a very long time ago. Decades ago.

Also, would you object to receiving an organ from someone who was killed in a drunk driving accident? That person was essentially murdered by bad choices. Would it be ok to use their organs? Like the aborted fetus cells, the person was not killed in order to supply the organs. The organs were used after an unfortunate death occurred that would have occurred with or without the medical use. The death is wrong and to be mourned on either case.

The good news on the Covid-19 vaccine front… the vaccines mentioned in that article aren’t the only ones that will be available. There are two mRNA vaccines in phase 3 trials that don’t use aborted fetus cell lines in their production. I’m sure one or both of those vaccines will be available in the US by next year. :slight_smile: