So nature that is viewed from the perspective of the naturalistic scientist is actually a supernatural invention by God? This has some sort of greek philosophical qualities not becoming of Christian theology. And so I understand this, the processes of one cell becoming complex where they rely 100% on “natural” phenomena and therefore able to be studied in scientific inquiry are actually the miracle of creation by God…is this what you are suggesting?
If this is what is suggested, then is there any scientific study out there that provides ample evidence that cells can become complex over time within the parameters of the natural? If not, then the only reason the theory has so many followers is because the majority want to stiff arm the idea of a moral God as Creator. I as a Christian thinker will not bow.
Here is the thing. A Christian “scientist” who desires to be appealing to the field of science as a whole across this country must consider that life as we know it on earth must have started with a couple of cells seeded upon the earth and natural phenomena takes it from there to make it evolve into complex. This idea conveniently complies with secular teaching.
Then there are many other Christians like myself that ask, “where is the proof” that this is valid in the first place and where is the evidence that this idea did not simply stem from ideas that necessarily negate all belief in God as Creator.
If I were attempting to become say a medical doctor and loved science and believed that it is not intellectual suicide and actually more logical to believe that God created beings that can adapt and this stance pushed against the mainstream educators led by ivy leagues, then I would find a great Christian school that accepted my views and then became the greatest science student with the goal of becoming the greatest doctor my field had ever seen for the glory of God instead of just crumbling to the whims of mainstream secular educators. As it is, secular thinkers are winning the thought battle and I personally believe that when the church too easily crumble to their whims, the church loses power in and followers of Christ tend to find more “exciting” ventures outside of the church which leads to the church dying in that region unless by the grace of God He creates revival. .