More covid vaccine questions!

Can anyone explain to me what gain of function research is? What was explained to me tonight was that Fauci & NIH actually were doing gain of function research because they were testing this virus out on mice and it became more dangerous - is that right?

Sorry - that because the lab was researching if the virus could attach to humans it would be gain of research

When we talk about boosters, too, is the thought that a shot is needed every 8-12 months or will this booster be the last of the shots? I suppose we can’t know for sure now.

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Given the number of times I’ve seen the following categories labeled (read libeled) as evil, dishonest, brainwashed idiots, it isn’t super new: anyone who supports anything the other political party likes, college professors, scientists, paleobiologists, geologists, biologists, cosmologists, etc…

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You have been fortunate to not have had much in your region. I personally know 5 who have died, and several who are still suffering from lung issues.


I know four who have died - friends and/or relatives. And people I know who’ve been hit hard by it - at least two; one of whom has made life-changing decisions as a result, and another who is still in the middle of trying to recover to the point of normal family functioning again. Three of the four deaths I personally know were elderly (but most cases pretty healthy and would ordinarily have lived many more years). Of the two that got hit hard (that I know about) - one still has young children at home (and I’m pretty sure he would have been fully vaccinated). But most of these were unvaccinated (in some cases because it was before any vaccines were available).

That’s so awful. I’m so sorry to hear that.

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This is so tragic. I’m so sorry for the loss of your friends and relatives. What an awful disease. Thank you for sharing these details, it really puts things into perspective.

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One thing that I might point out is that as a high percentage of the population is vaccinated, the percentage of those who have been vaccinated who get Covid will rise also, although the total number will be reduced, If 100 percent are vaccinated, then 100 percent of deaths will occur in the vaccinated group but the absolute numbers will be low.


I’m trying to find a good discussion. There was a good summary on PBS, I think, a few months ago. In brief, gain of function does a great deal to help us anticipate how viruses can become very lethal; and how to get the right vaccines to stop them. Because of concern about escaping to the environment, there have been halts to research in the past, which I believe were followed with very much improved safety measures. Even if money had been used for gain of function, it in no way means that anyone did anything wrong–quite the opposite.

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