In the other thread someone made the observation that all the evidence points to things like violence being a part us, basically all through our evolutionary history. We have this other inheritance which does not come from God. The idea that all our congenital illnesses and biological flaws is all designed by God is deal breaker with regards to theism for me. Atheism makes more sense than that. This is another one of the those things where you simply cannot have it both ways.
I would agree in the sense that this was the only way for God to have children, and there is nothing superficial about it. And frankly it is the biological parentage which is the more superficial one. But no matter how superficial, that other inheritance is there and we should not pretend otherwise, because we can descend back to being animals again if we are not careful.
And I don’t get this at all. It sounds like a justification for entitlement when the fact is that we have none… or universalism, I guess. And while I am not hostile to universalism, I am not favorable to a justification that is a little too contrived either. All kinds of things get in the way and in-between – sin being the biggest but hardly the only one. God is spirit and the physical/fleshly nature of our existence does get in the way also. And choice is another important one without which the nature of our relationship is fundamentally distorted.
But perhaps this one of those things where we shall simply have to agree to disagree.