Ok. Here’s where I’ll hold up a large dresser mirror, and tell you— and all the other proponents of evolution here…
Don’t use bad evolution arguments.
Whenever people claim that evolution is the cause, when the bible has clearly stated that God created the heavens and the earth, and he did so in 6 days, and subsequent passages state that he spoke everything into existence, that Jesus is responsible for creating everything, and without him, nothing that exists, could exist, and that he holds it all together by the word of his power— to say that these things are not true, is only embarrassing yourselves.
Aside from calling the only person who can save you a liar, you’re just throwing crap on your own faces, and then accusing us of being the ones doing so.
Here’s the thing.
I am not a YEC.
I am a bible-believing follower of Jesus. Been one since 1977. I studied physics at the state university, and actually kept a decent GPA throughout, love cosmology, and have been reading the bible, and learning to apply it in my daily life for 40 years now. I’ve been learning a lot, and don’t actually have a problem with the ideas I presently adhere to. Here’s a secret for you— if I had a problem with my ideas, I wouldn’t be so comfortable with them.
I did not come to this position easily. I have not had a flower-covered pathway to this day in my life. I don’t float on lilies, or walk floating on rose petals. I don’t have a halo on my head and glow like the paintings of old.
Another problem I have with evolution is the claim that people only believe what science can prove. The problem with that is— the scientific method is based on repeatability.
History is not repeatable, but no one appears to grasp so simple a fact, so I ask what seem so obvious and patent a set of stupid questions to get you to grasp the sheer stupidity of claiming to believe in the scientific method. You cannot repeat whatever the event was that resulted in the existence of the cosmos. You cannot repeat the process by which the biological life forms we now know on earth came into existence. You cannot repeat the process by which you drank your coffee last year, which resulted in you getting the raise you did, 4 weeks later.
The problem is— evolutionists seem to fail to grasp these fundamental ideas, and as a result claim that evolution, climate change, and a few other ideas are “settled science.”
To which people such as myself do the age old-- face-palm, seriously questioning the understanding of these people. It makes me wonder if they’re smoking the whiskey, and drinking the weed.
Admittedly, it is indeed bothersome that God kept so many secrets, and only gave us what we needed to live. Deuteronomy 29:29 (and yes, I actually do expect you to read these references I provide, because I expect I’m talking to an intelligent human being, who wants to understand where I get my ideas, as much as he wants to be understood.).
In the end, I’ve come to the realization that I will die in another 30-40 years, if not sooner. I’ve further looked back at the forebears of the realm of science, indeed my own family, and the people who’ve come before, and noticed that none of them, have lived longer than 120 years. I’ve found this incredibly frustrating, because the logic of the evolutionist/atheist/agnostic is that if I can’t do it myself, it cannot be trusted, unless someone whose views agree with mine has done the purported work.
Thankfully, the bible actually tells me to test it for myself. Acts 17:11, and 1 Thess. 5:21-22, as well as many others. (I.e., where do you think the idea originated from? It wasn’t Aristotle.).
So… it’s not that we’re using bad arguments, it’s that we’re trying to find a way to get you to see just how bad the claims and arguments for evolution are, and the only way we’re finding so far is to show you by means of a mirror. I.e., we mirror your practice.
I don’t entirely think it’s a good idea, because it just keeps going around in circles.
So, here are a few things for you to read. And if you don’t have a bible, here’s a free, online version. blb.org
Deut 29:29, Ps 25:14, Ps 147:11, Prov 25:2, 1 cor. 13:12, Heb. 4:13, Gen 1:1, Ps 33:5-9, John 1:1-3, 14, Eph. 3:9, Col. 1:15-19, Heb. 1:2-4.
The ideas presented in these passages make it pretty clear to me that there’s no evolution involved. These are direct, creative actions, which involve intellect, reason, logic, invention, design, understanding, and comprehension beyond our faculty to fathom.
So… how do you want to handle this? I’ve studied the science— it’s an idea. It’s not repeatable. It’s history. It requires a worldview to interpret it, and if the worldview is incorrect, the data will be interpreted incorrectly, resulting in the wrong understanding.
For me, what evolutionists claim is evidence for evolution, I see as evidence for creation. The frustration for the evolutionist then becomes— well, why didn’t God put a “made by God on xx/xx/xxxx” label or stamp on it somewhere?
The reason being obvious to the bible believer— he didn’t need to. Romans 1:18-23.
We’re the one’s in darkness, stuck on our own ignorance, claiming to be so wise and brilliant. So much so, they do whatever they can to dismiss, discount, and ignore what they don’t want to see.